F5F Webinar Planning Library Programs for Families and Children 0-5


  • Subject Area: Children’s Programming
  • Type: Webinar
  • Length: 1 hour
  • Level: public library staff
  • Organisers: First5Forever (State Library of Queensland)
  • Presenters: Presenters were from a various of public libraries from Queensland
  • Format: Webinar
  • Date: 22/02/2018

This one hour webinar presented by various public library staff, discussed how to plan library programs following six elements. These elements were: Planning and prepping, how to communicate with families, what to include in your sessions, key messages, linking the program to other services and what to do after your sessions.

The reason I decided to put my name down to watch this seminar, was because I am conducting programs aimed towards children aged 0-5 years daily, and was interested to get some new ideas. I find that when your facilitating sessions such as toddler time every day you get a bit stuck in the same routine so was very keen to learn some new things to help improve such programs.

Although a lot of what was presented in this webinar I already knew, it was good to have a refresher. Since there was also a range of presenters from around Queensland public libraries it was great to gain different perspectives and to hear about what other libraries were doing.

After the hour session, I was able to add a few things into the planning of my children literacy sessions. Although this webinar focused on the 0-5 years, some of the information provided I could still apply to other children’s programs such as school holiday events.

Being able to gain new ideas and improve these children sessions I feel is important to my work because it is such a significant service we bring to the community.

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