Weekly Reports

Week 2

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Security and Privacy in Smart cities, Internet of Things, and RFID systems
WEEK NO. 02 DATE: 30-07-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per Lecture 2, writing a brief project plan as per research based from articles, journals, newspapers.







Set up the plan for this projects in a suitable framework for this project which is helpful for research, articles and journals for this project. Searching all the important materials and  working on it for milestone.  Take a brief look for the Project planning.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
In finding some journals and articles 30-07-2021 I found some relevant journals, articles and books for this Project. YES

Week 3

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Security and Privacy in Smart cities, Internet of Things, and RFID systems
WEEK NO. 03 DATE: 08-08-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per Lecture 3, writing a brief project plan as per research based.







The planning for projects is find the right frameworks for this project in week 3 which is helpful for research, articles and journals for this project. Having all the necessary stages of  milestone.  Bring to a conclusion for the Project planning.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
find out some points on research based. 08-08-2021 Some delay but finally, I found some relevant material for this Project. YES


Week 4

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Important of Network Security in Software Design in Health Sector
WEEK NO. 04 DATE: 16-08-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per Lecture 4, writing a brief project plan as per lecture.







 Plan for this projects in a suitable framework for this project  and also complete the project proposal then submit on the Turnitin. Searching all the important materials and  working on it for milestone finally done it.  Work on the plan for the Project Design.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
In finding the link to make gantt chart 16-08-2021 I found some relevant links to make gantt chart for this Project. YES

Week 5

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Important of Network Security in Software Design in Health Sector
WEEK NO. 05 DATE: 24-08-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per Lecture 5, working on project plan as per lecture.







 Study some plan for this projects and also complete the new project proposal. Searching all the important materials.  Upload new blog and Work on the plan for the Project Design.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
Too many sources and difficult to find accurate content. 24-08-2021 Learn some relevant links to work for this Project. YES

Week 6

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Importance of network security in software design for health care sector 
WEEK NO. 06 DATE: 31-08-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per Lectures and research, work on the annotated bibliography.







Set up the plan and write annotated bibliography’s articles. Searching all the articles and write authors research.  Obtained a good knowledge from the Project articles.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
In finding some journals and articles 31-08-2021 I found some relevant journals and articles for annotated bibliography.. not yet

Week 7

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Importance of network security in software design for health care sector 
WEEK NO. 07 DATE: 08-09-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
As per research, completed on the annotated bibliography  articles and reflection.







write articles, reflection, problem domain, motivation, research issues, conclusions and recommendations improvements  for annotated bibliography.  all the articles and other source of information completed as per research based.  good research and knowledge from the annotated bibliography.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
In finding each article then reading complete journal and writing 08-09-2021 Finally complete with good content of articles for annotated bibliography.. yes

Week 8

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Importance of network security in software design for health care sector 
WEEK NO. 08 DATE: 17-09-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
According to lecture 08, Clearances of the concept of oral presentation for final report





Necessary part of the Project Planning describe in presentation slides, Organising blog and Presentation for final report. Written and oral presentation preparing for final project report.  Did research for well described presentation content.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
Hard to find some relevant content similar topics of my project. 17-09-2021 prepare some extent part of the final report. On-going

Week 9

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Importance of network security in software design for health care sector 
WEEK NO. 09 DATE: 24-09-2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
According to lecture 9, Working on final report as per lectures important notes.





Write Project report describe in presentation slides, Organising blog and links and blog content such as annotated bibliography articles. Written and oral presentation preparing for final project report.  working on project presentation content for final report.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
Writing content for final report powerpoint presentation. 24-09-2021 prepare final report and nearly to complete the presentation. On-going

Week 10

NAME Himanshu Shally
PROJECT TITLE Importance of network security in software design for health care sector 
WEEK NO. 10 DATE: 02/10/2021
Milestone: Planned Actual Comment
Complete the final report and presentation







 Write the final report  and makes a powerpoint slides. Done the final project report and presentation slides. Working one the presentation for final.
Description Date Action/Result Finished (Y/N)
Design the powerpoint presentation 02/10/2021 nearly complete presentation yes