July 31

Project Synopsis

Augmented Reality Application Assessment marker-based AR

and marker-less user-defined target (UDT) method



  1. Aim of the project :


This research paper aims to analyze and compare marker-based and marker-less image registration techniques from the view for the augmented reality application called “AR-ECOM.” Focusing on emergent technology brings attention to develop a speech recognition e-commerce try-on android application called “AR-Ecom.” Moreover, this research aims to help the future AR application developers decide which object tracking approach is more suitable for the retail industry’s AR retail application development. After comprehensively developing the AR application, this research study tried to analyze the augmented reality marker-less image identification approach with the marker-based image recognition approach using the same application and with the same marker.


  1. Method :

This research theoretically analyzes the comparison between marker-less and marker-based image tracking by using the primary two methodologies called censor based Tracking and vision-based Tracking. Sensor base tracking experimented by moving the camera and analyzing the mobile sensor’s values by using an android app called “Sensor Box. Moreover, the android app development process of “AR-Ecom” carry-out using agile development methodology with the use of the Unity 3D game engine and with the Vuforia AR SDK and speech recognizing build with wit API.


  1. Result :


As plan as the beginning of the research and within the estimated time duration, this research completed the development process of the android application call “AR Ecom” after going through previous research articles. After the development of the AR application, marker-base and marker-less image identification analysis proceed from the sensor base method and vision-based methodology and going to conclude which method is more suitable for developing AR eCommerce applications.


  1. Discussion :


The purpose of developing an AR application called AR-Ecom is to research on different properties of the markerless approach by using the Vuforia library and marker-based image tracking approach. The comparison methodology called sensor base use to analyze the behaviors of the image tracking according to the changing of the position in a linear way and orientation with different lighting sensors. However, the marker-less approach always given a positive result even when the lighting value less than lux.