Project brief, blog setup and progress report

Project Title

Security and Privacy in Cloud 



In these days, cloud technology become an essential part of individuals and business owners’ life because it is not only helps to store large amount of data also provide security and integrity to data as well. Moreover, there is numerous applications and platform which used for online storage (cloud storage), but we did not recognize them because they are remotely available. For example, iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox Business, and Microsoft office 365 (OneDrive) these are the examples of some of platform which mainly used by the client to store data.

Although, managing a huge amount of data and provide security to data from risks, also turn into an important part of the cloud computing. As, we know that large amount of data on cloud can create threats of data breach such as unauthorized access, privacy leakage. However, there is still requirement of some methods that will helps to protect data on the cloud.


The cloud is major source of storing, maintaining large amount of data which is consider as more convenient method as compared with the traditional methods. The cloud is use encryption technologies such as two or three factor authentications to secure the data however, this is still connected with some problems such as losing data or unauthorized access. Although, protecting data from hackers is also major concern in cloud security.


As a part of cloud technology, cloud storage is real-time remote storage. This approach of storing and maintaining data is better than older one because it can be executed through the internet. Although, The Cloud or cloud computing is built for obtaining online data and services. If the client(S) and an organization(S) send their data such as audio, video or image or other kind of data to the server it will be mainly store in a cloud service provider. The cloud storage is not only relay on data security but also provide data integrity as well because client or employer data is saved on the remotely (cloud) if anything happened with client device or system then data will be remaining safe on the cloud.



The prime goal of this project to consider the pervious issues and dilemmas related to the cloud storage and helps to provide associated technique and technology that will be effective to enhance the security and reliability of data in cloud.


  • Provide Scalability on the cloud.
  • Reduce extra expenses.
  • Enhance Security and privacy measures.
  • Beneficial for Store and integrate the data.



Resources: –

Joshi, M., Budhani, S., Tewari, N., & Prakash, S. (2021). Analytical Review of Data Security in Cloud Computing. 2021 2Nd International Conference On Intelligent Engineering And Management (ICIEM).

Yang, P., Xiong, N., & Ren, J. (2020). Data Security and Privacy Protection for Cloud Storage: A Survey. IEEE Access8, 131723-131740.


Alignment of the project with Specialization:

The prime reason to choose this topic for my research because I have specialization in Cyber Security and Network Security. As we know that, Cyber security is a broad topic in these days which include cloud technology and threats related to the cloud storage as well. So, this topic will help to put limelight on some of technology and technique that will help to secure the data from unauthorized access or data leakage.


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