Creating Posts & Pages
Sites on CSU Thinkspace are primarily comprised of ‘Posts’ and ‘Pages’. Explore the slides below to find out more:
Posts are where you’ll publish your main content – for example reflections on your learning, assessment tasks and research notes. They are great to publish a ‘learning journal’ and are displayed in reverse-chronological order with the most recent post at the top of the page.
Are normally used for information that you want to share with your readers but don’t expect to update frequently.
Common uses for pages include:
- About Page: Used to tell readers more about yourself and your blog.
- Major Assignments or Essays: A great space to publish a formal piece of published writing
- Contact Page: so users can get in touch with you.
- Reference Lists or Useful Links: A space to record the texts and documents you have been using regularly.

Handy Tip!
Where to find Posts and Pages:
Access a list of all your posts via the Posts > All Posts section in the dashboard, or by visiting:
Access a list of all your pages via the Pages > All Pages section in the dashboard, or by visiting:

Useful Links
Check out the links below for more info: