Dr Peter Adjei-Bamfo (padjei-bamfo@csu.edu.au)
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Ass Prof Judith Anderson (juanderson@csu.edu.au)

Ms Kath Attree (katherine.attree@uts.edu.au)
Kath is a senior lecturer, curriculum design within the Indigenous Teaching and Learning Team at UTS. Kath has spent over two decades, working in both domestic and international education, leading initiatives to support and enable non-traditional students (such as first-in-family, low socio-economic status, international, online, Indigenous) to transition into, and flourish at university. This work is reflected in her research. Kath’s PhD explores stakeholder engagement in higher education via the course advisory committee utilising a constructivist grounded theory methodology.
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Ass Prof Maree Bernoth (mabernoth@csu.edu.au)
Maree is an academic in the School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Health Sciences. Her nursing career spans over 50 years, in the clinical field, education, and research. Researching with older people has been a primary focus and she is a strong advocate for quality of life for older people. More recently, HDR supervision has led to her involvement in primary health and collaborations with industry and has resulted in research into the mental health of isolated, new mums. Her research utilises a number of qualitative methods and with HDR students, Constructivist Grounded Theory.
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Dr Dilini Bodhinayaka (dbodhinayaka@csu.edu.au)
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Dr Mary Coe (mcoe@csu.edu.au)
Mary is an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University. She has over 30 years’ experience working with metadata and is Editor of The Indexer: The International Journal of Indexing. Mary’s research focuses on the use of indexes in books and other information-seeking behaviour. Mary is new to grounded theory but is looking forward to exploring its use in future research projects. She used Brenda Dervin’s Sense-Making approach as a framework in her PhD research.
Dr Ruth Delaforce (rdelaforce@csu.edu.au)
Ruth is a lecturer in policing and criminology at the Centre for Law and Justice, Charles Sturt University. Ruth’s research area is in the military-crime nexus, intelligence and investigative processes, formal and informal policing, and state security arrangements. Her qualitative research focus is in Situational Analysis.
Dr Wendy De Luca (Co-chair) (wdeluca@csu.edu.au)
Wendy teaches Adult and Vocational Education in the School of Education at Charles Sturt University. She has been a practitioner in the adult education field for over 25 years. Wendy’s research focus is on how adult educators develop their professional expertise. Her research utilises Constructivist Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis methods. Wendy is Co-Chair of Charles Sturt University’s Grounded Theory Research Group.
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Dr Belinda Downey (bdowney@csu.edu.au)
Belinda teaches in the early childhood and primary course in the School of Education at Charles Sturt University. Belinda’s research interests include the well-being of teachers and children, and early childhood workforce capacity research. Her research utilises Constructivist Grounded Theory.

Dr Arif Khan (akhan@csu.edu.au)
Arif Khan is a Research Training Coordinator at Charles Sturt University. He began work in the field of information and communication studies in 2000 and later practiced in areas of information management, knowledge governance, information literacy, corporate training, professional development and community development. In his current role, Arif is working in the areas of researcher development course design, and implementation of impactful training programs for researchers, PhD students, and staff in a university setting. Adept at using a range of research & academic tools. He has maintained an interest in the technological and social aspects of information and communication studies.
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Dr Patricia (Trish) Mackey (pmackey@csu.edu.au)
Trish Mackey is Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Course Director for the Bachelor of Social Work. She is also an occupational therapist. Dr Mackey’s PhD research explored the barriers, enablers, and ethical decision-making in family violence research with children. She interviewed 49 participants across five cohorts: mothers with experiences of domestic violence, domestic violence service providers, child clinicians, HREC members, and domestic violence researchers. Dr Mackey’s research interests include sensitive social research and interdisciplinary research in areas such as family violence, mental health, child protection and with older Australians. Undertaking participatory action research and engaging participants in a co-led research process is a particular focus.

Dr Nicole Mahara (nimahara@csu.edu.au)
Nicole is a lecturer in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and HealthCare Sciences at Charles Sturt University. She has been a Registered Nurse for nearly 30 years and has a background in Aged Care Management and Leadership. Nicole’s research interests include Aged care, Leadership and Management, and First Nations Health, in particular Burnout in Residential Aged Care Managers. Nicole is new to Grounded Theory, and is hoping to use a Constructivist Grounded Theory approach in future research.
Dr Yazdan Mansourian (Co-chair) (ymansourian@csu.edu.au)
Yazdan is a senior lecturer in the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University. Over the past 20 years, Yazdan’s research interests have been shaped around the cognitive and affective aspects of Human Information Behaviour (HIB) (HIB) in different contexts. Yazdan has been using Grounded Theory and other qualitative methods such as Phenomenology in his research since 2003, when he was a PhD student at the University of Sheffield. Yazdan is Co-Chair of Charles Sturt University’s Grounded Theory Research Group.
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Dr Tracey Mee (tmee@csu.edu.au)
Tracey is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow with Charles Sturt University’s School of Indigenous Australian Studies. Tracey is a cultural historian and vexillologist and her research interests focus on Australia’s national flags and their role, both historical and current, in the creation and maintenance of national identity. Tracey’s PhD, Australian National Identity: Somewhere between the Flags? is a multidisciplinary literature-based study. Her investigation into the representational force of the Australian flag and how it might make meaning for Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians, in differing ways, is at the heart of the thesis.
Ms Maksi Morris (mmorris@csu.edu.au)
Maksi Morris is a Registered Nurse with ten years’ experience in Primary Health Care and tutors CSU’s First Nations nursing students. With the aim to positively influence and empower people, Maksi is a strong advocate for greater emphasis on health promotion and preventive primary and community care. A PhD student with the School of Nursing, Paramedicine, and Health Sciences, Maksi is using constructivist grounded theory to explain how general practice nurses in rural NSW support adult lifestyle risk reduction.
Ms Beverley Moriarty (bmoriarty@csu.edu.au)
Dr Brian Sengstock (bsengstock@csu.edu.au)
Brian is the Associate Head of School (Healthcare Sciences) and teaches in health management and leadership, and paramedicine at Charles Sturt University with over 20 years’ experience teaching in higher education settings. Brian’s research focus is on LGBTQIA+ issues in healthcare and higher education settings, including work-integrated learning. His research utilises Straussian Grounded Theory, Constructivist Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis methods.

Dr Saeed Shaeri (sshaeri@csu.edu.au)
Dr Monique Shephard (mshephard@csu.edu.au)
Monique is a Research Fellow with the Future of the Professions Group at Charles Sturt University, and is a Lecturer in the School of Information and Communication Studies. Monique’s research is multidisciplinary, and she researches social work in libraries, environmental practice in social work, and also focuses on adolescent mental health and literature in school and public library settings. Monique is a member of Environment and Social Justice (ESJ) Research Group, Library Research Group (LRG), Psychology Research Group, and Social Equality, Intersectionality and Inclusion Research Group.

Dr Bianca Spaccavento (bspaccavento@csu.edu.au)
Bianca is a Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Charles Sturt University. She has been a registered psychologist for over 20 years and practices in the forensic area. She is currently the Principal Psychologist for Corrective Services of New South Wales. Bianca’s research focus is on psychological applications in the criminal justice system, enploying both qualitative and quantitative research methods to explore causes and consequences of law-breaking behaviour and the experiences of those who come into contact with the criminal justice system. Bianca teaches Qualitative Methods and has supervised Honours research studies utilising Grounded Theory.

Ms Lisa Speedie (lspeedie@csu.edu.au)
Dr Clare Sutton (csutton@csu.edu.au)
Clare is a Senior Lecturer in Paramedicine at Charles Sturt University. She has extensive experience in the emergency services sector, both in the UK and Australia, with over 20 years frontline experience. Clare is Chair of the Paramedic Wellbeing Working Group for the Australasian College of Paramedicine, and is an active member of the Regional Work and Organisational Resilience Sturt Group, the Workforce Wellness Research Unit, and the Wellbeing and Mental Health Research Australia Group. Clare’s research focus relates to resilience and the promotion of health and wellbeing in emergency service workers, students, and volunteer responders.
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Mr Brendan Tai-Roche (btai-roche@csu.edu.au)
Brendan Tai-Roche is an academic staff member at Charles Sturt University, with a diverse background in healthcare, including roles such as Kutjungka Health Service Manager and Nurse Unit Manager. Brendan’s commitment to nursing excellence is reflected in achievements including being a finalist for the Hesta Super Fund Australian Nurse of the Year. Beyond his professional life, he has a keen interest in First Nation health, history, live sports, stillbirth, and men’s health.
Mr Samir Thapa (sthapa@csu.edu.au)
Ass Prof Cate Thomas (cthomas@csu.edu.au)
Dr Wesley Ward (wward@csu.edu.au)
Wes is an Adjunct research fellow with CSU’s Gulbali Institute and teaches in the nexus between communication, regional communities and complex agro-ecological systems in regional Australia. His research is in environmental, agricultural, rural, intercultural, organisational and technologically mediated communication. Wes is currently investigating how and why scientific research collaborations work between individuals, groups and organisations, in Australia and overseas, utilising various social research methodologies, particularly Constructivist Grounded Theory and Autoethnography.
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Dr Sabine Wardle (swardle@csu.edu.au)
Sabine is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Human Services, School of Social Work and Arts at Charles Sturt University. She has been teaching in the field of vocational education and higher education for over 15 years. Sabine’s research focus is on health disparities in palliative and end-of-life care, ageing, socio-cultural inclusion, and social justice in public spaces such as public libraries and hospitals. Sabine is an active member of Environment and Social Justice (ESJ) Research Group, and Library Research Group (LRG).
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Dr Lucia Wuersch (lwuersch@csu.edu.au)
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