Surprisingly, I get the question, ‘Who is Payton’? frequently. But why? The first reason is, since I was five, I have been in and out of my Mum’s salon, building personal relationships with clients. Their interests have always sparked from the very first question, “Who is Payton?”, which led to a correlated question, “What is Payton up to?”. My answers are never stagnant and always involve something new being brought to who I am, along with what I bring to the relationships in my world. I am a teacher’s aide in two classrooms and spend my afternoons working in the salon or studying for my bachelor’s degree. Weekends are busy with either work at a cafe or renovating a house. A compendious outline of what I am up to is maintaining ‘busy’ with having the dependency on caffeine. With working at a primary school, I frequently get the question of “Who is Miss Harris?”. Students ask out of genuineness or curiosity, both allowing students to have an insight into who I am and what I can help them achieve. Some questions are barbarous, such as “Is it sad not having a boyfriend?”, however questions like, “What inspires you to be a helper?”, or “what do you love that makes you happy?”, compel me to strive for my educational degree to figure out “Who is Miss Harris?” and help the students along the way who may struggle to answer the questions themselves, “Who am I?”.
Reference list
meli (2021). I Am Woman. [Youtube] Okano: Okano.