The Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final showcase is now online!

The Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final showcase is now online!
This year’s competition showcases the presentations and research of 56 outstanding competitors from universities from across Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, North-East Asia and South-East Asia including Charles Sturt’s Sarah Esmaeili.

The 2024 Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final will showcase video submissions from 3MT finalists from across Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, North-East Asia and South-East Asia.

View the Semi-Final Showcase and watch Sarah here!

Over the next two weeks, two judging panels will review and select 8 finalists from the 56 competitors, to proceed to the 2024 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT Final which will be held via live stream, on Wednesday 30 October.
The 8 finalists competing at the Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT Final will be revealed on the 3MT website on Monday 21 October.

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