Welcome to the Post Graduate Students Association
The PGSA is a student led online club, affiliated under the Charles Sturt Student Representative Committee (SRC) that supports, promotes and advocates on behalf of post graduate students. We have representatives on governing bodies within the university as well as on the board of the national peak body, Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations.
We elect a new Executive Committee each year at our AGM in October who plan and run events and support the group.

We also co-host the Lunchtime Research Raves that are held monthly at 12.30-1.30pm on the 4th Monday. Find out more here.
We meet once per month online on Thursday at 12.30-1.30pm and all members are welcome to attend our meetings.
You can become a member of the PGSA and it’s free!
Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with our activities.
With our AGM coming up all current members are invited to join.us for our AGM on Thursday 17th October 12.30-1. 30pm.
At our AGM we will be electing our committee for 2025 and reporting on our activities from the past year and plans for 2025.Could you join our committee? As some of our current committee will have recently graduated, we very much need some new members. We meet monthly online to plan and report on our activities. Please consider joining us.How do you join? Go to our membership site to confirm if your membership is current or if you have not yet joined, JOIN Now! (It’s free) before 20 September.
All members will receive an invitation to the AGM later this month.
Contact us at pgsa.csu@gmail.com for more details.