New Graduate Research Candidate Guide

The Office of Graduate Research is pleased to advise that our new Graduate Research Candidate Guide is now available.

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The Guide will be a companion and source of vital information as you navigate your Graduate Research journey.

The Guide has been developed using a co-design process that has included staff from Graduate Research and Researcher Development, Student Support Services, Faculty Sub-Deans (Graduate Studies), Charles Sturt Supervisors and Charles Sturt candidates.

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Three-minute thesis is back!

It’s the 100 metre sprint of the HDR world!
You have just three minutes to deliver the core elements of your thesis to an excited crowd of non-experts with just one PowerPoint slide!
Every year thousands of doctoral students at over 900 universities around the world put themselves to the test.
Are you up to the challenge?
Participating in 3MT:
  • Helps you to refine and define your research
  • Helps you to articulate your research and its value clearly and succinctly to a lay audience
  • Helps you to build confidence as a presenter and to engage an audience
  • Is an amazing opportunity to broadcast and bring attention to your research

And there’s some great prize money to be won! 
To find out more and how to register visit our website.


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DocFest 2024 Virtual Graduate Research Conference

Charles Sturt’s annual virtual Graduate Research conference returns again in 2024!
This year’s theme is Navigating the Research Landscape.

Navigating a research degree is often likened to embarking on a challenging journey. Researchers must plan their milestones, have clear timelines and objectives, and know where to get the resources and support they need.
They must also be able to adapt to change, embrace emerging technologies and methodologies and the ever-evolving research landscape.

In 2024, DocFest will visit all of this and more, with a program of inspiring keynote speakers, topical expert discussion panels, papers and e-posters, and an intensive publishing workshop.

Monday 20 – Friday 24 May 2024
ONLINE from 12.00 – 4.00pm daily.

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Ever heard of Country Universities Centres (CUC’s)?

Looking for a change of scenery or some study resources?
Country Universities Centres are there for you!

Charles Sturt is supporting students in regional areas through developing partnerships with 13 Country University Centre’s across Australia. CUCs offer university standard spaces for you to focus and achieve your learning potential.
The facilities offer:

  • highspeed internet access,
  • printing, and
  • academic support.

The support is free and accessible from 7am til midnight, with some Center’s being accessible 24 hours a day.

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2024 Tri-faculty HDR Support Scheme

There are a number of internal funding schemes to assist HDR students with research costs.
The HDR Support Scheme is supported via Research Investment Funds for currently enrolled HDR students with funding of up to $1,500.00 per application available.
Visit the Internal funding opportunities webpage to see a full list of the support available and the application guidelines and forms for each one.

Graduate Research Candidate Achievements

Each issue we welcome new Graduate Research candidates and acknowledge the achievements of our current students.

Welcome to the following new candidates.
We wish them every success as they begin their research journey and look forward to hearing about their research and achievements along the way.

Faculty of Arts and Education
Suzanne Garrett

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Science
Gideon Gouws
Thomas Kazan

Faculty of Science and Health
Keira Brown
Georgia Kennedy
Hakizimana Protais
Stella Lee
Kristina Maximous
Chloe Betts

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