REACH P2P Graduate Research Peer-to-peer mentoring – new mentors needed

Can you spare an hour or two a month to support a new HDR candidate?

We are now seeking mentors from all faculties, schools and institutes for our 2024 Session 4 program commencing in August.

REACH P2P is our highly successful peer-to-peer mentoring program developed by the Researcher Development team and CSU Mentoring to provide support and connections for new and early candidature graduate research candidates (Mentees) with more experienced candidates (mentors).

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Funding support for your research project


The HDR Support Scheme is a PVCRI supported fund to assist students currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt University. Students can apply to access funds to support costs related to the completion of their Thesis.

To be eligible to apply for funding, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt and have not yet been approved for graduation.
  • Be making satisfactory progress in their candidature.
  • Have exhausted their current Operating Funds.

Further information and application form can be found at:
Tri-Faculty HDR Support Scheme – Application

2024 Applications close 30 September 2024


From Innovation to Impact – unlock the potential of your research

2-Day Workshop for HDR candidates and researchers – Invest now to go further in the future

Research is at the forefront of innovation holding the potential to shape the human condition. In collaboration with Cicada Innovations, Charles Sturt University has opened applications to the Introduction to Innovation workshops that will help you navigate the potential of your research to strike a path towards real-world impact. Achieve your goals, make an impact, and elevate your career. Learn with like-minded people at our hands-on workshop. Read more

Welcome new candidates and candidate achievements

Each month we welcome our new Graduate Research candidates and celebrate the achievements of our current and graduating candidates.

(Please note that this is based on reporting for the last month up to and including the 9th of this month. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

Welcome to new candidates

We wish the following new candidates every success as they begin their research journey and look forward to hearing about their research and achievements along the way.

Faculty of Arts and Education

Adrianne Harris

Faculty of Science and Health

Naomi Kirkwood, Amy Barnett and Anais Blacklock

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Fulbright Scholarship Applications For 2025/26 Are Now Open

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Three-minute Thesis Heats and the Finalists

Audiences were thrilled once again by the 3MT competition and the excitement of hearing 13 of our Graduate Research candidates race the clock to present their doctoral research in just three minutes with one PowerPoint slide!

To make it even trickier they have to use language that a non-expert audience will understand. We all know how difficult that can be. Read more

DocFest 2024 – that’s a wrap

Once again, our annual DocFest Graduate Research online conference has been a hit with lots of great feedback about both the quality and content of the program.

The stars of the week were our fabulous HDR candidates who inspired us with their research, joined discussion panels, moderated sessions and gave their time to attend and support their peers. Read more

Welcome new candidates and candidate achievements

Each month we welcome our new Graduate Research candidates and celebrate the achievements of our current and graduating candidates.

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th of this month. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

Welcome to new candidates

We wish them every success as they begin their research journey and look forward to hearing about their research and achievements along the way.

Faculty of Arts and Education

Craig Osmond and Julie Norris

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Peter Crowhurst

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