Researcher careers across borders: supporting careers beyond academia

Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.

‘Researcher careers across borders: supporting careers beyond academia’ is an online event being held on Thursday 21 November 09:00-11:00 (GMT). This webinar is focused on international approaches to how researchers are supported to explore careers beyond academia.

This event will be joined by:

  • Dr Teresa Rosas, Academic Talent and EDI Officer at CREAF (Inici | Creaf), who will share CREAF’s initiatives for supporting researchers in careers outside of academia
  • Dr Johanna Stadlbauer, Anthropologist and Head of Postdoctoral Office at the University of Graz, who will present insights on how Graz supports researchers in exploring non-academic career paths
  • Professor Alison Truelove from the University of Exeter, who will present on the Developing Business-Aware Academics project (Welcome – Developing Business-Aware Academics) focused on developing business-related skills in researchers

This event is free and open access. Please feel free to share the events details with your networks and anyone who may benefit from attending.

Book your place

Amplify your research impact!

이상례 / Pixabay

Join us for the Charles Sturt Researcher Innovation Program, a free program that will support you to develop a plan to maximise the impact of your research. The 2 x ½ day program will provide you with practical tools, templates, and resources that will help you design your communication and strategy to gain access to more grants, find new funding, create opportunity for industry partnerships and amplify the impact of your research.

This program is hands on and will be tailored to your individual needs. It is suitable for existing research, planning future research, and identifying new opportunities for research.

Wagga/Albury Monday 11th Nov 9.30-1pm and Tuesday 12th Nov 9.00-1pm

Port Macquarie Tuesday 26th Nov 9.30-1pm and Wednesday 27th Nov 9.00-1pm

Orange Wednesday 12th Feb 9.00-1pm and Thursday 13th Feb 9.00-1pm

2024 Tri-Faculty Support Scheme Funding – Important Information!

This is a reminder to all applicants who were successfully awarded 2024 Tri-Faculty Support Scheme funding.

In order for the Faculty Operations Teams to process invoices, all claims must be submitted to your relevant team by 1 December 2024.

There is no facility to carry funds over to 2025.

If you are unsure of the process, please refer to your initial congratulatory email for instructions.

Any further questions please email

Early Childhood Voices Conference (ECV2024)

You’re invited to join us for the Early Childhood Voices Conference 2024 (ECV2024).

ECV2024 is an interdisciplinary international conference providing a platform to share research about innovative methods, theories and partnerships with children, families and practitioners that supports social justice during early childhood and within the early childhood sector.

Registrations now open!

And its free!

Online 25-28 November 2024.

Register here:

Candidate news and achievements (Sept/Oct)

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th October. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

Thesis Submitted for Examination

Congratulations to the following candidates who have recently submitted their thesis for examination.

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Charrissa Moriarty       Centre for Law and Justice

Thesis Title: Examine the application of positive social based informal emotional aid to a police officer and the role of family members during a period of emotional unwellness

Brett Henderson            Australian Graduate School of Policing & Security

Thesis Title: Sharing the Responsibility for Emergency Management: a community case study

Faranak Tohidi             School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering

Thesis Title: Dynamic Point Cloud Compression with Shape and Density-based Volumetric Partitioning

Read more

The Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final showcase is now online!

The Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final showcase is now online!
This year’s competition showcases the presentations and research of 56 outstanding competitors from universities from across Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, North-East Asia and South-East Asia including Charles Sturt’s Sarah Esmaeili.

The 2024 Asia-Pacific 3MT Semi-Final will showcase video submissions from 3MT finalists from across Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, North-East Asia and South-East Asia.

View the Semi-Final Showcase and watch Sarah here!

Over the next two weeks, two judging panels will review and select 8 finalists from the 56 competitors, to proceed to the 2024 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT Final which will be held via live stream, on Wednesday 30 October.
The 8 finalists competing at the Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT Final will be revealed on the 3MT website on Monday 21 October.

Qualtrics now live!

Try Qualtrics Today!

Charles Sturt University is transitioning to Qualtrics as the preferred survey tool for researchers.

Qualtrics is the recommended tool for collecting and storing “highly sensitive” research surveys by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) at Charles Sturt University.

The advanced web-based survey platform enables researchers to:

  • collaboratively create, distribute, collect, share, analyse and store complex (short or long term) research surveys and data.
  • Design a (complex) research survey using a Charles Sturt University branded online template and a range of question types and display logic.
  • Export survey data to different file formats: Word, PowerPoint, PDF, CSV, TSV, Excel, Google Drive sheet, XML and SPSS.
  • Collaborate within and outside the University and with other Qualtrics users.
  • And more.

Try Qualtrics today!

More info:

Need a Qualitative or Quantitative Methodology course over summer?

Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. (ACSPRI)

2025 Summer Program.
Are you looking for a practical, applied course to help you with your PhD, research project, or in a new role? You may be able to use your research operating funds to attend.

ACSPRI courses are taught live, with professional experienced instructors, in a small group capped at 12 people. We provide you with course notes and a chance to network with your peers, other researchers and professionals.

Our 2025 Summer Program of courses are listed below, with both online and in-person offerings at the University of Melbourne.

Enrol early to take advantage of the early-bird discount. This discount is particularly significant for full-time students.

If you would like to contact us about our courses, survey services, or our upcoming Social Science Methodology Conference, please contact us at or call on 03 8376 6496. Read more

Seeing like a researcher: Masterclass series

Seeing Like a Researcher is a masterclass series led by Professor Mark Evans. The Series highlights the experience, skills, wisdom and advice of Charles Sturt’s research leaders on themes relating to research innovation and professional skills for research.

Masterclass 1: How I write – a conversation by Distinguished Professor Stan Grant. This session will explore the principles, pleasures, pains, and poetry of all types of academic writing. The conversation will primarily focus on working practices such as where, when, and how Stan writes, generates ideas, overcomes barriers and copes with distractions. 16/10/24

Masterclass 2: Evidence based medical and health research using big data, meta-analysis and systematic review approach – by Distinguished Professor Jing Sun. This session will provide master level skill development in big data and meta-analysis/systematic review. 23/10/24

Masterclass 3: Constructing a competitive ARC Discovery Grant Application: negotiating the new EoI system by Professor Alan Cooper. This session will brief researchers on the new ARC DP EOI application, and how to get through the initial screening round. To provide a state-of-the-art guide to crafting a successful ARC Discovery Project EOI and proposal. 30/10/24

See more great Masterclass topics and register for the 10 x weekly lunchtime sessions on Wednesdays from 16 Oct until 18 Dec via the Researcher Development calendar.

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