Three-minute thesis is back and it’s time to get involved!

What is a Three-minute thesis you ask?

The three-minute thesis, or 3MT, is an international competition for doctoral students to present their research and its significance to a non-expert audience in just three minutes, using just one PowerPoint slide.

It is held annually at over 900 universities across 85 countries, including here at Charles Sturt.

In 2025 3MT is back once again with our heats held fully online as part of our DocFest program (May 26th -30th).

It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work, build your communication skills, and connect with a broader community. We’re now calling for entries—don’t miss your chance to share your research story. Submit your entry today and be part of this inspiring competition! Read more

Research and writing support for HDR candidates with Research Central

Are you looking to fast track your research in 2025 with the support of Research Central?

Places now available for HDR candidates at all stages of candidature to join the very popular research support and academic writing program, Research Central.

Research Central (Adroit) is an externally provided online community of practice for HDR Candidates from universities across Australia focusing on connection, motivation, accountability and mindset. Research Central provides access to masterclasses and resources on thesis writing, data collection and analysis, productivity, and much more.

One valuable inclusion is the weekly “Ask me anything” sessions with experienced expert moderators.

Each Term (11-week blocks) Charles Sturt offers limited ‘seats’ in Research Central for our HDR candidates. Participants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of resources, workshops and writing groups available while they have access.

Places for Term 1 commencing Tuesday 4th February are now open (see the weekly schedule below). Read more

Call for abstracts now open for DocFest 2025

DocFest is our annual tri-faculty virtual conference for graduate research.

26-30 May 2025

DocFest25 theme: Developing Next Generation Researchers

The inspiration for this year’s theme comes from the Charles Sturt University Research Strategy.

The researchers of today step into an everchanging world, in which opportunity abounds, and paths are forged into new and unknown territories. Undertaking your higher degree needs to deliver you into this world with a range of transferable skills that will ensure you are ready to face the challenges and take up the opportunities that present.

Who is DocFest for?

DocFest is for anyone interested in graduate research but especially if you are:

  • A graduate research candidate
  • An Early Career Researcher
  • An HDR Supervisor
  • Research support staff
  • An Honours student
  • Interested in doing a PhD in the future

Call Abstracts for Oral Presentations and e-Posters

As well as a rich program of keynote speakers, expert panels and workshops, HDR candidates, supervisors and research and professional staff are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations or e-posters in the following themes: Read more

Post Graduate representative positions on University Boards and Committees

We have a number of Postgraduate student representative positions vacant on many of the University Boards and Committees.

This information and application form is available on this webpage –

What Academic Student Representatives do

  • contribute to the student learning experience by suggesting ideas, solutions and improvements
  • represent student needs and raise issues of concern
  • gather opinions and views of students and provide student focused feedback
  • attend meetings of the committee or board they are a member of. This involves being prepared for these meetings by reading agendas, submitting agenda items and contributing in the meeting discussions
  • participate in professional development and training

Read more

DVC Research Excellence Awards – HDR Winners

Congratulations to the all the nominees and winner of the 2024 DVC Research Excellence Awards!

In the HDR space we would especially like to congratulate the following:

HDR Thesis / Creative Work of the Year:

Winner: Mitchell Cowan

Mitchell was based in the Gulbali Institute and his thesis is titled, Wildlife in mining landscapes: a case study of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus). Mitchell was supported by his supervisors Prof Dale Nimmo, Dr Judy Dunlop and Aspro Jodi Price.

Faculty commendations:

FOAE – Kate Margetson

FOBJBS – Luke Bartlett

FOSH – Soo Liang Ooi

HDR Supervisor of the Year

Winner: Abishek Santhakumar – FOSH

CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship Program

CSIRO are excited to announce their 2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) intakes for the CSIRO Industry PhD program.

The first round for applications will open from 3 February and closes 11 April 2025. The second round will open from 28 April and closes 22 August 2025. These projects are expected to start late 2025/early 2026.

Approximately two thirds of available projects will be approved in the primary round to allow the project to be advertised at a time when more students are searching for PhD opportunities.

CSIRO are hosting a webinar on Friday 7 February 2025 to brief researchers about the application process. To register for the webinar:

To subscribe to the CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship newsletter:

For more information on the CSIRO Industry PhD Program, visit

Candidate news and achievements (Nov/Dec)

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th December. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

New candidates

Faculty of Arts and Education

Thom Faleolo

Brittney McCloud

Rebecca O’Rourke

Scott Goode

Rosalinde Kearsley

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Jaclyn Spicer

Read more

Striving Toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2023 Report

Charles Sturt University has again delivered positive impacts towards the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals showcased in the 2023 edition of Charles Sturt University’s SDG report.

Enhancing the social, environmental, and economic wellbeing through our research, education, and community engagement is an important way we can meet community needs while also working towards achieving the UN Goals.

As Australia’s leading regional University, we strive to inspire our students, staff, and community by shaping a brighter future. The 2023 edition of our SDG report is no exception, sharing impactful achievements from across our whole University community.

The report contains inspiring stories, staff and student profiles, and examples of positive outcomes arising from the commitment of Charles Sturt’s staff and students.

Good news – staff and students are invited to submit success stories via the Sustainability at Charles Sturt website to showcase your impactful work for future report editions.

`Seeing Like A Researcher: Masterclass 10 Anna Grocholsky, Director Commercialisation Pathways

We are excited to have Anna Grocholsky, Director Commercialisation Pathways join us for Session 10: Research IMPACT: Seeing it like a researcher.

Anna is a successful strategist, negotiator and intellectual property specialist. With a materials science background she broadened her qualifications through management, creative problem solving, law and business. Anna is a Harvard Business School Alumni, a registered trademarks attorney and is one of a handful of Australians with the attainment of being a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) + Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP).

Her passion is curating research generating products and services that solve problems that are really needed to be solved.

Anna joined Charles Sturt University as their inaugural Director, Commercialisation Pathways helping all faculties and institutes. Systems, processes, awareness and advice is key. Anna has already brought in commercialisation income (to be shared with the research team), set up the IP and Commercialisation Governance Panel (IPCGP) rolled out the Commercialisation Pathways Operational Plan (Framework), launched a few webpages of information, resources and an opportunities page for CSU’s innovations to be marketed to investors / donors / mentors and helped numerous teams. Read more

Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE)

Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): Applications now open until 1 July 2025

Calling for applications for a new round of the Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Research Internship Program, for international travel in the period 1st October 2025 – 31st December 2026.

Applications are now open and will close 11.59 pm 1st July 2025 (Australian Eastern Standard Time).

The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the Ph.D. and postdoctoral level. Each successful applicant is provided with costs towards a return flight and up to A$200 per week (up to a maximum of 26 weeks) to support accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:

  • Australia/New Zealand to France, or
  • France to Australia.

Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university. The research project must be in collaboration with at least one researcher employed by ANSTO or another Australian AINSE-member institution (in the field of nuclear science and engineering and in the areas of Health, Environment or Nuclear Technologies), and at least one researcher employed by a French university or French research institution.

The research internship is required to take place over a period of 8–26 weeks between 1st October 2025 – 31st December 2026.The terms & conditions are available through our SAAFE website. Applications will remain open until 1st July 2025 via the AINSE Grants Portal.

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