Research and writing support for HDR candidates with Research Central

Are you looking to fast track your research in 2025 with the support of Research Central?

Places now available for HDR candidates at all stages of candidature to join the very popular research support and academic writing program, Research Central.

Research Central (Adroit) is an externally provided online community of practice for HDR Candidates from universities across Australia focusing on connection, motivation, accountability and mindset. Research Central provides access to masterclasses and resources on thesis writing, data collection and analysis, productivity, and much more.

One valuable inclusion is the weekly “Ask me anything” sessions with experienced expert moderators.

Each Term (11-week blocks) Charles Sturt offers limited ‘seats’ in Research Central for our HDR candidates. Participants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of resources, workshops and writing groups available while they have access.

Places for Term 1 commencing Tuesday 4th February are now open (see the weekly schedule below). Read more

Australian Graduate Women 2025 Fellowships

AGW is pleased to announce that in 2025 it will award the following Fellowships

Two (2) Barbara Hale Fellowships: Value $8,000 each

These Fellowships are open to students who, being Australian citizens or permanent residents, are enrolled in a research doctorate in any discipline at any Australian university.

One (1) Georgina Sweet Fellowship in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine: Value $8,000

This Fellowship is open to students who, being Australian citizens or permanent residents, are enrolled in a research doctorate in a STEMM discipline at any Australian university.

Further details including the Application Guidelines and Form can be found on the Australian Graduate Women website.

Closing date 28 February 2025

REACH P2P Graduate Research Peer-to-peer mentoring – new mentors needed

Can you spare an hour or two a month to support a new HDR candidate?

We are now seeking mentors from all faculties, schools and institutes for our 2024 Session 4 program commencing in August.

REACH P2P is our highly successful peer-to-peer mentoring program developed by the Researcher Development team and CSU Mentoring to provide support and connections for new and early candidature graduate research candidates (Mentees) with more experienced candidates (mentors).

Read more

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