REACH P2P Graduate Research Peer-to-peer mentoring – new mentors needed

Can you spare an hour or two a month to support a new HDR candidate?

We are now seeking mentors from all faculties, schools and institutes for our 2024 Session 4 program commencing in August.

REACH P2P is our highly successful peer-to-peer mentoring program developed by the Researcher Development team and CSU Mentoring to provide support and connections for new and early candidature graduate research candidates (Mentees) with more experienced candidates (mentors).

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Funding support for your research project


The HDR Support Scheme is a PVCRI supported fund to assist students currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt University. Students can apply to access funds to support costs related to the completion of their Thesis.

To be eligible to apply for funding, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt and have not yet been approved for graduation.
  • Be making satisfactory progress in their candidature.
  • Have exhausted their current Operating Funds.

Further information and application form can be found at:
Tri-Faculty HDR Support Scheme – Application

2024 Applications close 30 September 2024


Welcome International Students

We are delighted to welcome so many new international HDR students and their families to our Charles Sturt campuses this session. We know that settling into a new country, home, school or community can take time and we hope that you are finding the help and support you need. Our International Support team are ready to help out.
Our Mentoring team is also available to connect new HDR students with a local mentor to help with the settling in process. Please contact them by email if you would like this assistance.

Mentors needed
They are also keen to hear from existing HDR students willing to be mentors. An hour or so once a fortnight can make a huge difference to a new student and it’s a great way to build your own skills and networks. We particularly need mentors on Bathurst and Port Macquarie campuses.
Submit an expression of interest form or contact the team at  if you are willing to help out.

New Graduate Research Candidate Guide

The Office of Graduate Research is pleased to advise that our new Graduate Research Candidate Guide is now available.

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The Guide will be a companion and source of vital information as you navigate your Graduate Research journey.

The Guide has been developed using a co-design process that has included staff from Graduate Research and Researcher Development, Student Support Services, Faculty Sub-Deans (Graduate Studies), Charles Sturt Supervisors and Charles Sturt candidates.

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Ever heard of Country Universities Centres (CUC’s)?

Looking for a change of scenery or some study resources?
Country Universities Centres are there for you!

Charles Sturt is supporting students in regional areas through developing partnerships with 13 Country University Centre’s across Australia. CUCs offer university standard spaces for you to focus and achieve your learning potential.
The facilities offer:

  • highspeed internet access,
  • printing, and
  • academic support.

The support is free and accessible from 7am til midnight, with some Center’s being accessible 24 hours a day.

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