HDR ‘Ask Me Anything’ Online Drop-in

As a new initiative, in Session 1 we are trialing fortnightly online HDR ‘Ask Me Anything’ (HDR-AMA) drop-in sessions, hosted by our Office of Graduate Research Candidate Management and HDR Support teams.
If you have questions about your enrolment, scholarship, operating funds, supervision, probation or other milestones, thesis submission, graduation, training, connecting with other HDRs, DocFest, 3MT or pretty much anything to do with your HDR program, or where to find support resources, we will do our best to provide you with the information you need.
We may not have all the answers, but we will be able to get back to you if we don’t or direct you to someone who will. Read more

Join one of our regular Writing Groups

Research and Write

Setting aside regular time to write or do your research work with others is a proven method to get results and meet your writing goals.  Sometimes it can be tricky to prioritise that time and joining a group where you write with others can really help.

Research & Write! sessions are blocks of time you can set aside for any task big or small to do with your research. Come for as long or as short a time as you can spare. We’d love to see you there.

 Two 3-hour sessions each week!
Research & Write! sessions are on:

  • Mondays 12:00 – 3:00 pm (AEST)
  • Fridays 9.30am -12.30pm (AEST)



Read more

GREAT Online modules for HDR now available to all HDR candidates

We’re excited to introduce the Graduate Research Enhancement and Academic Training (GREAT) online modules — a valuable resource designed to support all HDR candidates at Charles Sturt University. This essential resource will guide you through every stage of your candidature, from starting out to submitting your thesis.

What do the modules offer?

This training was co-designed with current HDR candidates and staff across the University. The result is a tailored suite of eight accessible online modules targeted at key stages of the HDR research journey:

  • Navigating Your Research Journey: Understand milestones, policies, and challenges throughout your HDR candidature.
  • Being a Responsible Researcher: Learn research ethics, academic integrity, intellectual property, and practical steps for preparing ethics applications.
  • Working with Your Supervisor: Build effective relationships, set realistic expectations, and navigate feedback and challenges.
  • Reviewing the Literature: Master strategies for finding, evaluating, and critically appraising literature for your review.
  • Writing Your Thesis: Get step-by-step guidance on thesis structure, drafting chapters, and preparing for submission.
  • Communicating Your Research: Explore publishing options, understand copyright, and share your findings with wider audiences.
  • Planning Your Career: Identify career pathways, network with professionals, and prepare compelling resumes and interview strategies.
  • Wellbeing & Balanced Researcher: Develop resilience, balance commitments, and promote personal and professional wellbeing throughout your journey.

As an HDR candidate, you are automatically enrolled in the Brightspace site. The GREAT modules sit alongside a range of resources for HDR Candidates and their supervisors. Visit the Research Hub ‘HDR Candidates’ tab and explore! There is also a new HDR-Training Brightspace site for you.

Get started today and set yourself up for a successful candidature!

For any issues or suggestions, please email: HDR-Support@csu.edu.au

Research and writing support for HDR candidates with Research Central

Are you looking to fast track your research in 2025 with the support of Research Central?

Places now available for HDR candidates at all stages of candidature to join the very popular research support and academic writing program, Research Central.

Research Central (Adroit) is an externally provided online community of practice for HDR Candidates from universities across Australia focusing on connection, motivation, accountability and mindset. Research Central provides access to masterclasses and resources on thesis writing, data collection and analysis, productivity, and much more.

One valuable inclusion is the weekly “Ask me anything” sessions with experienced expert moderators.

Each Term (11-week blocks) Charles Sturt offers limited ‘seats’ in Research Central for our HDR candidates. Participants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of resources, workshops and writing groups available while they have access.

Places for Term 1 commencing Tuesday 4th February are now open (see the weekly schedule below). Read more

Join the PGSA to celebrate the end of 2024!

Join us to celebrate the end of 2024!
Whether you are at the end of your study journey or just starting out we would love to see you and hear about your highs and lows of 2024 and what you are looking forward to in 2025!

All PGSA members and non-members are most welcome!

Put on a Santa hat, upload a festive zoom background, make a little something special for lunch and join us to celebrate our last meeting of the year.

PGSA committee member and HDR student, Diane Cass, is going to kick us off with a short presentation on ‘managing our wellbeing over the holiday break’ and then it will be over to you to share your stories and successes from 2024 and some of your plans for the New Year.

There will even be some holiday games and giveaways!

Thursday 12th December 12.30-1.30 AEDT 

Join us on zoom here-   https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/69895356367  

Have you completed the GRES?

Our annual Graduate Researcher Experience Survey (GRES) is still open until Friday 6th December. 

We rely on the feedback from our students in the GRES to inform the development and improvement of our services, support and resources for HDR. Your opinion matters to us as it helps us to understand what we are doing well and where we can do better.

Results from previous GRES have led to improved access to training, communication practices and administration processes and increased financial support. It has also informed many of our student outreach activities and training for students, staff and supervisors.

So far, our response rate for this year’s survey is at just over 10%, which means there are many diverse voices and experiences that have not been heard.

We know it is a busy time of year but if you have yet to do so, please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

We look forward to having your voice included!



Qualtrics coming soon!

We are pleased to announce that Charles Sturt University is transitioning to Qualtrics as the preferred survey tool for researchers by end 2024.
Staff and HDR candidates will be able to register for a new account and access Qualtrics using single-sign-on to create online surveys for research purposes.
HDR candidates will be able to register for a new Qualtrics account with their supervisor’s approval using an online form, and then access their account using single-sign-on. Read more

RU OK Day is on Thursday, 12th September.




It’s a timely reminder of our shared responsibility to support each other and foster a safe and supportive environment for all our staff and students.

RUOK Day encourages us to check in with those around us, offering a simple yet powerful opportunity to make a difference.

At Charles Sturt, we are committed to your wellbeing, providing a range of holistic support options:

Mental health resources – a collection of self-help information and resources

Counselling and wellbeing services – including one-on-one confidential consultations Read more

Listening to your voice

2024 Helping you to get great outcomes from your Higher Degree by Research and to have a rewarding and enriching experience at Charles Sturt is central to the work of the Graduate Research team.

Hearing feedback from you, our students, about that experience is important to us. We love to hear when we get things right for you but equally important to us is hearing how we can do things better.

One of the ways we do this is with our annual Graduate Research Experience Survey (GRES). The GRES is offered to all enrolled HDR candidates in late October each year and asks for your feedback about a range of key areas related to your HDR program. GO TO THE SURVEY

Read more

SSAF charges in 2025

Starting in 2025, all HDR students, both new and continuing, will be responsible for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF), regardless of whether their course fees are covered by a scholarship. For our continuing HDR students already on scholarships, the SSAF will be applicable from the 202530 term, with the student being responsible for this payment.

This change is an important step towards enhancing the quality of services and amenities available to all students, ensuring a richer and more supportive academic experience!

We’ll be posting more information over the coming months about how you can get involved in developing projects that can apply for SSAF support.

In 2025, the fee will help provide non-academic support, services and facilities for students, such as IT services, Careers and Skills support, Student Wellbeing Support Line and Counselling, Orientation and much more.

SSAF can also change each year, so to keep up-to-date with SSAF information, please visit this link.

When it comes to paying SSAF, you can either pay upfront at the start of each session or you can defer SSAF with an SA-HELP loan as long as you are eligible. This will put your SSAF onto your HECS (if you have one!).

To do this, look for ‘Request eCAF’ under the ‘My Account’ tab on your student portal.

Here are just a few projects that have been SSAF funded:

  • Careers and Skills Festival
  • Free food and stationary stations for students in the Library
  • Student Wellbeing Support Line
  • Orientation Events
  • Elite Athlete and Performer Program
  • International student support
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Netball Courts Lighting on Wagga Wagga campus
  • Inclusive and Accessible Pathways Diggings Oval
  • Common Area at Bathurst Campus
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