Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.
‘Researcher careers across borders: supporting careers beyond academia’ is an online event being held on Thursday 21 November 09:00-11:00 (GMT). This webinar is focused on international approaches to how researchers are supported to explore careers beyond academia.
This event will be joined by:
- Dr Teresa Rosas, Academic Talent and EDI Officer at CREAF (Inici | Creaf), who will share CREAF’s initiatives for supporting researchers in careers outside of academia
- Dr Johanna Stadlbauer, Anthropologist and Head of Postdoctoral Office at the University of Graz, who will present insights on how Graz supports researchers in exploring non-academic career paths
- Professor Alison Truelove from the University of Exeter, who will present on the Developing Business-Aware Academics project (Welcome – Developing Business-Aware Academics) focused on developing business-related skills in researchers
This event is free and open access. Please feel free to share the events details with your networks and anyone who may benefit from attending.