Seeing like a researcher: Masterclass series

Seeing Like a Researcher is a masterclass series led by Professor Mark Evans. The Series highlights the experience, skills, wisdom and advice of Charles Sturt’s research leaders on themes relating to research innovation and professional skills for research.

Masterclass 1: How I write – a conversation by Distinguished Professor Stan Grant. This session will explore the principles, pleasures, pains, and poetry of all types of academic writing. The conversation will primarily focus on working practices such as where, when, and how Stan writes, generates ideas, overcomes barriers and copes with distractions. 16/10/24

Masterclass 2: Evidence based medical and health research using big data, meta-analysis and systematic review approach – by Distinguished Professor Jing Sun. This session will provide master level skill development in big data and meta-analysis/systematic review. 23/10/24

Masterclass 3: Constructing a competitive ARC Discovery Grant Application: negotiating the new EoI system by Professor Alan Cooper. This session will brief researchers on the new ARC DP EOI application, and how to get through the initial screening round. To provide a state-of-the-art guide to crafting a successful ARC Discovery Project EOI and proposal. 30/10/24

See more great Masterclass topics and register for the 10 x weekly lunchtime sessions on Wednesdays from 16 Oct until 18 Dec via the Researcher Development calendar.

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