PhD Top-Up Scholarships

Applications now open for 2025 awards 



JDRF Australia is inviting applications for PhD Top-up Scholarship 2025.
JDRF offers PhD Top-Up Scholarships to support and encourage PhD students pursuing research in the field of type 1 diabetes.

Applicants must be:

  • The recipient of either a Research Training Program Stipend, NHMRC Postgraduate Award or a University-funded PhD Scholarship
  • Not receiving any other PhD top-up funding
  • Pursuing research relevant to type 1 diabetes
  • Australian citizens or permanent residents residing in Australia

Applications must be submitted by Monday, 7 April 2025. For more information and to apply, click here.

To read what past recipients had to say about the PhD Top-Up Scholarship, click here.
Enquiries about JDRF PhD Top-up Scholarships funding should be directed to:

Serena Radano
T: (02) 8364 0243


It’s Three-minute thesis time! Are you up for the challenge?

What is a Three-minute thesis you ask?

The three-minute thesis, or 3MT, is an international competition for doctoral students to present their research and its significance to a non-expert audience in just three minutes, using just one PowerPoint slide.

It is held annually at over 900 universities across 85 countries, including here at Charles Sturt.

In 2025 3MT is back once again with our heats held fully online as part of our DocFest program (May 26th -30th).

It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work, build your communication skills, and connect with a broader community. We’re now calling for entries—don’t miss your chance to share your research story. Submit your entry today and be part of this inspiring competition! Read more

HDR ‘Ask Me Anything’ Online Drop-in

As a new initiative, in Session 1 we are trialing fortnightly online HDR ‘Ask Me Anything’ (HDR-AMA) drop-in sessions, hosted by our Office of Graduate Research Candidate Management and HDR Support teams.
If you have questions about your enrolment, scholarship, operating funds, supervision, probation or other milestones, thesis submission, graduation, training, connecting with other HDRs, DocFest, 3MT or pretty much anything to do with your HDR program, or where to find support resources, we will do our best to provide you with the information you need.
We may not have all the answers, but we will be able to get back to you if we don’t or direct you to someone who will. Read more

Join one of our regular Writing Groups

Research and Write

Setting aside regular time to write or do your research work with others is a proven method to get results and meet your writing goals.  Sometimes it can be tricky to prioritise that time and joining a group where you write with others can really help.

Research & Write! sessions are blocks of time you can set aside for any task big or small to do with your research. Come for as long or as short a time as you can spare. We’d love to see you there.

 Two 3-hour sessions each week!
Research & Write! sessions are on:

  • Mondays 12:00 – 3:00 pm (AEST)
  • Fridays 9.30am -12.30pm (AEST)



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Nominations are now open for the Student Experience Committee (SEC)

The SEC is a management committee established by the Vice-Chancellor to encourage and enable students and staff to consult and advise on student experience matters.

The purpose of the Committee is to consult and provide advice on student experience matters and to support a shared understanding between staff and students of the impact of various activities on the student experience.

Nominations are being accepted for the following positions:

  • One HDR student representative, nominated by the Student Senate in liaison with the Dean of Graduate Studies
  • One postgraduate coursework student representative, nominated by the Student Senate
  • One on-campus undergraduate SRC representative, nominated by the Student Senate
  • One online SRC representative, nominated by the Student Senate

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CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship Program

CSIRO are excited to announce their 2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) intakes for the CSIRO Industry PhD program.

The first round for applications closes 11 April 2025. The second round will open from 28 April and closes 22 August 2025. These projects are expected to start late 2025/early 2026.

Approximately two thirds of available projects will be approved in the primary round to allow the project to be advertised at a time when more students are searching for PhD opportunities.

To subscribe to the CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship newsletter:

For more information on the CSIRO Industry PhD Program, visit

Candidate news and achievements January/February

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th February. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

New candidates

Faculty of Arts and Education

Leisa Markey, Wudhadhuray, Kim Bagot-Hiller, Meredith Eagle, Jack Davis, Kimbalee Hodges, John Byrnes and James Dayhew

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Glenn Jones ESM and Andrew Ludeke

Faculty of Science and Health

Jodie Brabin, Matthew Ludowici, Janna Taylor and Noyal Tharayil

Read more

Join e-Grad School’s Upcoming Opportunities!

2025 Semester 1A Courses

Charles Sturt University has again partnered with E-Grad School (QUT) to provide additional development opportunities for our HDR students and Early Career Researchers. This partnership offers access to all the modules below free of charge.

Register now and discover how these courses can help you advance your academic and professional goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to register, and plan for your next step in education. (flexible, online and 3-5 hours/week).

Explore New Horizons in Research

Why Choose e-Grad?

  • Flexibility: Online study at your own pace with just 3-5 hours per week, whenever it fits your schedule.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced professionals who will guide you through each module, ensuring a valuable learning experience.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow researchers from various universities and expand your professional network.

Ready to take your research to the next level? Register now and join us this March! By completing the program, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion, recognized by your university, and become part of a passionate community of researchers dedicated to advancing knowledge. Read more

GREAT Online modules for HDR now available to all HDR candidates

We’re excited to introduce the Graduate Research Enhancement and Academic Training (GREAT) online modules — a valuable resource designed to support all HDR candidates at Charles Sturt University. This essential resource will guide you through every stage of your candidature, from starting out to submitting your thesis.

What do the modules offer?

This training was co-designed with current HDR candidates and staff across the University. The result is a tailored suite of eight accessible online modules targeted at key stages of the HDR research journey:

  • Navigating Your Research Journey: Understand milestones, policies, and challenges throughout your HDR candidature.
  • Being a Responsible Researcher: Learn research ethics, academic integrity, intellectual property, and practical steps for preparing ethics applications.
  • Working with Your Supervisor: Build effective relationships, set realistic expectations, and navigate feedback and challenges.
  • Reviewing the Literature: Master strategies for finding, evaluating, and critically appraising literature for your review.
  • Writing Your Thesis: Get step-by-step guidance on thesis structure, drafting chapters, and preparing for submission.
  • Communicating Your Research: Explore publishing options, understand copyright, and share your findings with wider audiences.
  • Planning Your Career: Identify career pathways, network with professionals, and prepare compelling resumes and interview strategies.
  • Wellbeing & Balanced Researcher: Develop resilience, balance commitments, and promote personal and professional wellbeing throughout your journey.

As an HDR candidate, you are automatically enrolled in the Brightspace site. The GREAT modules sit alongside a range of resources for HDR Candidates and their supervisors. Visit the Research Hub ‘HDR Candidates’ tab and explore! There is also a new HDR-Training Brightspace site for you.

Get started today and set yourself up for a successful candidature!

For any issues or suggestions, please email:

Candidate news and achievements December/January

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th January. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

New candidates

Faculty of Arts and Education

Patrick Cole and Johnathan Hughes,

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Keneshia Chapman and Allanah O’Hanlon,

Faculty of Science and Health

Melissa Woodhouse, Stuart Everson, Hannah Stack and Nicole Honeyman

Read more

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