Candidate news and achievements December/January

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th January. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

New candidates

Faculty of Arts and Education

Patrick Cole and Johnathan Hughes,

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Keneshia Chapman and Allanah O’Hanlon,

Faculty of Science and Health

Melissa Woodhouse, Stuart Everson, Hannah Stack and Nicole Honeyman

Thesis Submitted for Examination

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Afra Azzahra            Centre for Law and Justice

Thesis Title: Examining the Role of Financial Intelligence in Preventing, Disrupting, and Reducing Child Sex Trafficking

Faculty of Science and Health

Colette Geier          School of Agricultural, Environmental & Veterinary Sciences

Thesis Title: Cultivating Knowledge: Investigating Ethical Research Practice and the Impact of environment on the phytochemistry of Eremophila

Vitt John Travan          School of Allied Health, Exercise & Sports Science

Thesis Title: An examination of the lived experiences of Australian female athletes involved in performance enhancing drug testing

Candidates approved to graduate

Faculty of Arts and Education

Gibson Matimba        School of Education

Principal Supervisor: Dr Kiprono Langat

Co-Supervisor: Aspro Chris Edwards-Groves

Thesis Title: Overseas Trained Teachers: Enablers and Constraints to Professional Practice and Social Integration into the Australian Education System

Donald Tamihere        School of Theology

Principal Supervisor: Dr Jione Havea

Co-Supervisor: Dr Daniel Smith-Christopher

Thesis Title: “Ka kohia atu awau ki tōku iwi – I will be gathered to my people”: A Kauwhau Whakapapa Reading of Genesis 49:1–50:14

Carol Mroue       Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation

Principal Supervisor: Dr Mahsheed Ansari

Co-Supervisors: Zuleyha Keskin and Dr Nada Ibrahim

Thesis Title: Trauma of Domestic Violence and an Islamic Perspective on Healing: A Case Study of Australian Muslim Victim-Survivors

Faculty of Science and Health

Mitchell Cowan      School of Agricultural, Environmental & Veterinary Sciences

Principal Supervisor: Prof Dale Nimmo

Co-Supervisors: Dr Judy Dunlop and Aspro Jodi Price

Thesis Title: Wildlife in mining landscapes: a case study of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus)

Mikayla Hoad          School of Dentistry and Medical Sciences

Principal Supervisor: Prof Jade Forwood

Co-Supervisors: Prof Shane Raidal and Dr Justin Roby

Thesis Title: Mechanisms of capsid protein nuclear import across Divergent Adeno-Associated Virus Serotypes

Dylan Westaway      School of Agricultural, Environmental & Veterinary Sciences

Principal Supervisor: Prof Dale Nimmo

Co-Supervisors: Prof David Watson, Aspro Damian Michael and Cr Chris Jolly

Thesis Title: The conservation potential of small habitat fragments for reptiles: insights from monitoring, genomics, and translocations.

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