Qualtrics coming soon!

We are pleased to announce that Charles Sturt University is transitioning to Qualtrics as the preferred survey tool for researchers by end 2024.
Staff and HDR candidates will be able to register for a new account and access Qualtrics using single-sign-on to create online surveys for research purposes.
HDR candidates will be able to register for a new Qualtrics account with their supervisor’s approval using an online form, and then access their account using single-sign-on.
If you already subscribe to Qualtrics, you can move your account using these instructions: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/managing-your-account/user-moves/
If you subscribe to an alternate survey program, you can import your surveys into the free Charles Sturt license using these instructions:
A dedicated Qualtrics website and training program to learn more is coming soon!
Please contact us if you have any questions or require support.
Email researchsupport@csu.edu.au.

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