Faculty of Science and Health Higher Degree by Research and Honours Symposium

Registrations are now open!

Please join the Faculty of Science and Health Symposium, on 20-21 November on the Wagga Wagga campus, that will be showcasing the research being undertaken by our HDR and Honours candidates.

At the symposium you will have the opportunity to present your research, develop your presentation skills and receive some valuable feedback.

Further details can be found on our webpage: https://science-health.csu.edu.au/research/hdr-honours-symposium

For any questions, please email the FOSH Operations Team at FOSH-Ops-Admin@csu.edu.au

We look forward to meeting and seeing you at the symposium.

Candidate news and achievements

Welcome to new Graduate Research candidates joining us and congratulations to our current and graduating candidates on your achievements!

(Please note that this is based on reporting up to and including the 9th of this month. Candidate achievements recorded after that will appear in the next month’s GR News)

If you have news about awards, grants, publications or other achievements please let us know so we can share it.

New candidates

We wish the following new candidates every success as they begin their research journey and look forward to hearing about their research and achievements along the way.

Faculty of Science and Health

Sarah Pickering, Sharomi Dayanand, Wei Wang, Clare Singh and Adolphus Khabiah

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Researcher Development Opportunities with eGrad School

Charles Sturt University has partnered with E-Grad School to provide additional development opportunities for HDR students and Early Career Researchers. This partnership offers access all the modules below free of charge.

Expand your skills and take your research skills to the next level!

Don’t delay and sign up today with e-Grad School to take advantage of these courses and programs.

These modules are available on-line and are moderated by highly experienced experts in the field and also offer networking opportunities with researchers from other universities.  These modules will run for 5 weeks from 15 July to 23 August. Register here today!
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REACH P2P Graduate Research Peer-to-peer mentoring – new mentors needed

Can you spare an hour or two a month to support a new HDR candidate?

We are now seeking mentors from all faculties, schools and institutes for our 2024 Session 4 program commencing in August.

REACH P2P is our highly successful peer-to-peer mentoring program developed by the Researcher Development team and CSU Mentoring to provide support and connections for new and early candidature graduate research candidates (Mentees) with more experienced candidates (mentors).

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Funding support for your research project


The HDR Support Scheme is a PVCRI supported fund to assist students currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt University. Students can apply to access funds to support costs related to the completion of their Thesis.

To be eligible to apply for funding, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled in a HDR program at Charles Sturt and have not yet been approved for graduation.
  • Be making satisfactory progress in their candidature.
  • Have exhausted their current Operating Funds.

Further information and application form can be found at:
Tri-Faculty HDR Support Scheme – Application

2024 Applications close 30 September 2024


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