Research on the topic
Started working on the assessment confirmed with topic and relevant work
“Google Scholar” and IEEE explorer.
Working on the basic aspects like introduction and also some major requirements which are to be submitted on the assessment 2
The topic is confirmed and titled it as Information sharing Via IOT sensor
Working on the rationale which is meant to describe the problem domain, purpose, and justification
Working with
[1] C.Suro,D.Carni. (2018).IoT for health monitroing.IEEE Instrumentation &Measurment Magazine,22(7),5-15.
[2] X.Cheng & (2017). Fog computing for the internet of the things;security and privacy issues. IEEE internet computing, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 34-43.
[3] M. Goulart and R. Oomi .(2017).In-vechile emergency call services; ecall and beyond. IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 160-169.