Week 1 –

We have come to the end of WEEK 1 of my first semester back at Uni in over 25 years.

The first week for ELT401 was about orientation.  Navigating around the site, learning about online etiquette, our subject outline and navigating the student forums.  We had our first online meeting and it was incredibly comforting to find others were like myself, terrified of what we were embarking on.

The student forums introduced me to many new people from all around the world!  Some of whom studying is a very recent memory, and other ‘old ducks’ like myself returning for the first time on forever.

Studying online has many advantages, but as someone who is a people person it is going to test my fortitude.  As a teacher I like to interact with my students, so being a student who will only interact online will be a challenge.  Having access through emails and discussion forums will help, but hopefully there are a few people local to me that I can meet up with and interact face-to-face.

Wish me luck in my first step along my new path.


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