Starting – ETL505 Describing and analysing education resources

I have just started looking my new subject for this year – ETL505 Describing and analysing education resources.  A few other students have told me that they really enjoyed it because was right up their alley – very methodical and structured.

Well, I have just started flicking through the course outline and text and I am completely stumped.  I am not sure I am even reading English as they are using all these new terms that are foreign to me (though I had heard of metadata – thanks TV – I am not sure of what it is).  So at the moment I am feeling rather overwhelmed and confused.

And seriously, do I need to know how to catalogue?  As I am working in a NSW Department of Education School, doesn’t Oliver (the LMS) do all this for me?  While I am still learning Oliver, I have been told by my fellow TL that you just pop the tile into Oliver and boom – record created! So why do I need to know how to do this?

I am hoping this subject will tell me the why as well as the how, but only time will tell!


Just finished reading: Parvana by Deborah Ellis

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