Starting – ETL523 Digital Citizenship in Schools

I have just finished the introduction module to ETL523 Digital Citizenship in Schools and I am ready to delve into digital citizenship.  As someone returning to teaching after a few years away it is great to see so many tools out there that can assist students learn.

The YouTube video of Steve Wheeler Digital Learning Futures: Mind the Gap! Was great and had some wonderful thoughts.  I too believe that technology should be invisible, we should be able to use it to do what we want without thinking too hard about how to use it in the process.  As Steve states our students will use technology regardless of what we tell them, and unlike adults are not worried about doing it wrong.

As educators we need to give our students the skills to participate in an ever changing and challenging world.  We need to teach them not necessarily how to use every piece of technology out there, but how to use the skills they have learnt in one setting in another.  We need to be aware and bridge any gaps in learner skills and nurture in our students active, self-motivated learners.

2 thoughts on “Starting – ETL523 Digital Citizenship in Schools

  1. kate

    This image is how I felt when I began this topic! Nice to read your reflections here…I agree that it is a great opportunity to delve into the different tools available. I am looking forward to doing some more investigation and maybe use something new when we work on our collaborative assignment!


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