

Girl Stuff includes information about all the things girls aged 8-12 have questions about!  It contains information on Family, Health, Puberty and of course, Friends. The book uses fun language and humour to talk about some pretty tough topics, and questions and quotes from real girls your age make you realise you’re not alone!

Any friendship problem you may be having, other girls have had before you, and this book has some really practical idea on how to solve friendship troubles. One of the things we love most about this book, is sometimes it is laugh out loud funny. Snappy comebacks for bullies as well as things to say when you’re experiencing peer pressure or tricky situations make this book really helpful and practical.

The book is written for you, but there’s little notes for adults sprinkled through as well. If there’s something you want to talk to Mum or Dad about, this could be a good one to leave open on the couch for them to find…..