The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) website provides an F-10 sequence of content on digital technologies (Australian Curriculum, 2015). Teachers are guided in the digital content that students are required to learn, including social and ethical protocols when working collaboratively online with other students.
Suitable for Stage 2 and Stage 3
- As an introductory video, view the following digital artefact on the importance of first thinking what you’re about to post online before posting.
- In the past, many educators have taken to social media sites such as Facebook to share a picture of themselves holding a sign stating they want their students to know that their photo can be shared globally and have asked viewers to share their picture, commenting where in the world they are from. This is a safe visual way for students to understand who is viewing the content and how many times the content is shared. This puts their digital footprint into a visual context that students will understand.
- The following video, the digital footprint (Common Sense Education, 2011) informs students to think critically before posting online. This video shows students that each time they click on a website, they are leaving a digital footprint. Questions are given at the end of this video for class discussions on how best to protect their digital footprint.
Suitable for Stage 2
- The following video, Keeping your personal information safe – Episode 1 – Details, details (eSafety Office, 2014) is an animation of being careful to not send your personal information online. Instead of mentioning your first and last name, address and school name, provide a nickname instead. That way, strangers aren’t able to trace your digital footprint back to you. For more videos from eSafety Office, click the hyperlink. Lesson plans can be found at Hector’s World.
- Keep it sweet online: Dealing with unwanted contact, is part of a series of slide decks (eSafety Commissioner, 2019) with discussion questions embedded throughout the slides. Online safety needs to be taken into account even when digital footprints are positive. Once a picture of yourself uploads on the Internet, it is viewed by everyone. These discussion questions help students to discuss what they should do in certain circumstances when interacting online. Click the hyperlink to view the lesson plan.
Suitable for Stage 3
- Watch the video, think before you post-PSA (LBMSTVStudio, 2013) of a young girl who posted what she thought to be a fun, innocent picture of her tattoo. Unbeknown to her, this photo was shared numerous times and by people she didn’t know. Strangers commented to her about her picture, making her feel uneasy and uncomfortable. This video can be linked to the above lesson of the teacher holding a sign to be shared publicly and people commenting where in the world they are from. Linking these two lessons will show students how easy and accessible their photos and videos are, as well as seeing the facial expressions and body language of the young girl in the video.
Further Educational Links
- For more classroom and lesson ideas, visit The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
- Student games in the classroom, visit Digital Passport – Grades 3-5.
- Student games in the classroom, visit Digital Compass – Grades 6-8.
Australian Curriculum. (2015). Digital Technologies: Sequence of content F-10. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
Common Sense Education. (2011, May 3). Privacy Student Intro Video – The Digital Footprint [Video]. YouTube.
Elliott, T. (2021, March 28). Check before you click – Personal digital artefact. CSU Thinkspace.
eSafety Commissioner. (2019). Keep it sweet online: Dealing with unwanted contact.
eSafety Office. (2014, December 7). Keeping your personal information safe – Episode 1 – Details, details [Video]. Vimeo.
LBMSTVStudio. (2013, May 8). Everyone think before you post-PSA [Video]. YouTube.