On campus, online

First thing Friday morning (30 August) we’ll be offering two parallel sessions on online and on-campus teaching. You choose one!

Teaching online (8:30am Wal Fife 14.212)

CSU is the market leader in online education in Australia and yet our market share has been in steady decline over the past seven years.  There is rapid transformation and an increasing number of online education providers, with most of CSU’s major competitors having higher rates of commencing online students.

Transform Online Learning (TOL) is one activity in the suite of projects across CSU that aim at transforming the learning environment at CSU. Central to transforming online learning is the use of new, innovative technologies and online learning pedagogies that look to engage online students more successfully. This workshop explores a number of online learning and teaching strategies and will provide some basic online learning design techniques that can foster student engagement and retention.

During this session, attendees will be using polling software so please bring laptops, phones or tablets.

Teaching on-campus (8:30am Wal Fife 14.209)

This session will examine different perspectives on what it takes to become a work-ready graduate, with a particular focus on on-campus learning experiences. Inspired by a recent initiative, This is not University that aims to fill the ‘gaps’ left by a university education, as well as our symposium theme of leadership, this panel session will be co-led by staff and graduate students who will tackle issues around the transition from student to work. Did real-world work match the expectations of the profession that were set for them at university? What did they struggle with? What experiences, on reflection, best prepared them for the transition?

We will play a little with the format of this session, initially hearing from all panelists, followed by a meeting in the ‘middleground’ where we open the floor to see where our perspectives differ and where they meet on key questions, and what we can learn from each other. Finally, we’ll come together again with time for questions and reflection on what we can take away from the session.


Panel Discussion Work Ready graduates – finding the middle ground