What is Digital Literature?

Children’s literature has been influenced by the development of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT). Due to digital environments, many children are easily exposed to digitised literature, which is “an electronic version of print form, such as ebook”. (Derout, 2020, ETL 402 module 4) Although most children are good at accessing digital literature on the Internet, they need to develop digital literacy skills.

According to Combes (2016), children need to develop literacy skills to be able to “navigate and make meaning from text, images and multimedia on screens”. (p.1) Combes (2016) explains that it is important to teach students traditional literacy skills before teaching them digital literacy skills. (p.3)


Combes, B. (2016). Digital literacy: A new flavour of literacy or something different? Synergy, 14(1). Retrieved from https://www.slav.vic.edu.au/index.php/Synergy/article/view/4/2

Derouet, L. (2020). Literature in the digital environment. In Literature in the digital environment. [ETL 402 module]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_44234_1&content_id=_3228484_1

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