The Information Environment

Image result for Edvard Munch The Scream by Original Small Image I found this module interesting and I never realised there were so many different definitions of Information. The classic and semantic definition and the quantity of information are measured and is seen in terms of probabilities. I never thought of information in terms of probabilities! I can understand measurable but not in a mathematical sense. I was thinking measurable as the quality of the information, its validity. As I was reading and began to mull over what I was comprehending re measurable information I thought, can information be a dependant variable and the quality of the information be the independent variable? Is it possible to creates a graph for information? My favourite sentence in the text that I read was, Information exists- it doesn’t need to be perceived to exist – requires no intelligence to interpret it and it does not have to have meaning to exist. Now, that was mindblowing… talk about philosophical… But then I thought – If it does not have meaning to exist, wouldn’t it just be a sea of blah?

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