Week #7- Lesson Planning & Digital Technologies

* Modification are made in green for this week’s task. Please click on the image above to view the document.

Step 1: Determine relative advantage

This was a huge consideration and I reviewed the section on pg. 69 of Roblyer’s et. al. (2014) to see if there was an advantage to using technology in this lesson. I determined there was an advantage because the use of the Coach’s Eye app along with recording a student’s movement gave them the ability to “be outside” of themselves to address a challenging movement. In the skill of skipping, the concept of timing, arm and leg positioning along with a two-foot jump all come together to produce a complex movement. All these factors are hard to explain with only words to children, especially when they become frustrated or loose confidence. To have the assistance of this app can produce a side-by-side comparison so students can definitely “see” the difference when they are struggling. After reviewing the ICT Planning section of the Victorian Education and Training website, I was further encouraged of the validity of this technology integration.

Step 2: Assess Tech-PACK

Even though the Coach’s Eye app was new to me, after watching Help videos, I felt that I had the adequate pedagogical, content and technology knowledge for this to be a successful technology integration.

Step 3: Decide on objectives, assessments.

The objective and associated assessment with this unit is that students are considered at the “mastery” level when they can skip continuously for 1 minute without making a mistake. Once students have used the Coach’s Eye side-by-side analysis, they choose one aspect to change in their movement eg. arm position then use a stopwatch with a partner to see how long they can skip. If it is a longer amount of time, it is considered a success and they continue with that particular movement strategy.

Step 4: Design integration strategies.

I added the element of explaining why a side-by-side analysis can help improve movements to the instruction portion of this lesson. This was a necessary addition to give students context on how to use the technology to reach the objective of the unit/lesson (Roblyer’s et. al. pg. 76. 2014).

Step 5: Prepare instructional environment.

The added direction of pre-loading the movement standard under the “Resources” section was necessary so that side-by-side comparisons can occur easily.



Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2014). Integrating educational technology into teaching. 6th Edition. Pearson. http://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1418279&site=ehost-live&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_78

Victorian State Government, Department of Education and Training. (2021, September). ICT Planning: Planning for digital technologies and ICT across the curriculum. https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/pages/ictplanning