Week #2- Policy and Curriculum

Please observe the changes that I made to this PE class in red. If you click on the image, the Word document can be viewed.

After reviewing the readings for this week as well as having a “reflective eye” on my past lesson of Skipping, I was able to add ICT Competencies to improve the feedback application process for students.

One of the challenges that I have as a PE Teacher is that I see a large amount of students for a very short time. As a result, skill mastery and application can be difficult for students when they are faced with new skills. When reviewing this lesson plan I could identify some areas of improvement by introducing video analysis through the Coach’s Eye app.

Through videoing my students while they practice, I can give each student a unique viewpoint of their movements. They would never normally be able to get this perspective and in-turn, promote body awareness while developing a new skill. Being able to share these videos to each individual student through their Google Drive account, I can empower students to take control of their own improvement.

This is in direct reference to engaging students at a young age with ICT capabilities in Newhouse’s (2013) article and to improve the lower ICT capabilities highlighted in Thomson’s (2015) policy document.



Newhouse, C. P. (2013). ICT in the Australian curriculum. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 914-919). Bali, Indonesia.  https://ro.ecu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1378&context=ecuworks2013

Thompson, S. (2015). Policy Insights- Australian Students in a Digital World.Australian Council for Educational Research. 3.  https://research.acer.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=policyinsights