Learning to Lead

Learning to Lead

I am now halfway through my master’s degree. I have loved my journey of learning and growing and being stretched and challenged academically, professionally and personally. I have always felt that this subject would be my greatest challenge as I struggle with seeing myself as a direct, outspoken leader. My leadership style is quiet, supportive, collaborative, caring, intuitive, innovative, relational, emphasizing empowering others around me. In order for me to effective, I believe I need to remain informed of the needs and direction of all aspects of our school community ie parents, students, teachers, administration and leadership team and provide resources and support.


Leadership is not an easy position to fulfil. It relies on effective communication, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. It requires setting firm boundaries for longevity and avoiding burnout. It requires problem solving skills and managing interpersonal relationships particularly in the micro culture of the school library. Leading and creating a positive and dynamic library staff culture is a vital aspect of my role and worth investing in.

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