Learning outcomes Student section
During this topic, you will have the opportunity to read a variety of texts. You will be able to understand information and summarise the key points.
You are able to use key topic words to locate and access information quickly and effectively. You can also evaluate the usefulness and reliability of websites used.
During this topic, you will learn to identify and form questions and ideas which you can then investigate and organise.
You will work independently and set your own goals, which you will confidently try to achieve.
You will develop an understanding of the connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples with the land and sky.
Learning outcomes Teacher section
These are copied from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority [ACARA] website. https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/general-capabilities/
Literacy: Comprehending texts through listening, reading, and viewing.
This element is about receptive language and involves students using skills and strategies to access and interpret spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts. In developing and acting with literacy, students:
- navigate, read and view learning area texts
- listen and respond to learning area texts
- interpret and analyse learning area texts
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability: Investigating with ICT
This element involves students investigating questions, topics, or problems using ICT. In developing and acting with ICT capability, students:
- define and plan information searches
- locate, generate and access data and information
- select and evaluate data and information.
Critical and Creative Thinking: Inquiring – identifying, exploring, and organising information and ideas
This element involves students developing inquiry skills. In developing and acting with critical and creative thinking, students:
- pose questions
- identify and clarify information and ideas
- organise and process information.
Personal and social capability: Self -management
This element involves students developing the metacognitive skill of learning when and how to use particular strategies to manage themselves in a range of situations.
In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:
- express emotions appropriately
- develop self-discipline and set goals
- work independently and show initiative
- become confident, resilient and adaptable.
Cross- Curriculum priority: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
This highlights the special connection to Country/Place by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and celebrates the unique belief systems that connect people physically and spiritually to Country/Place.
This organising idea reflects the essential knowledge, understandings, and skills for the priority.
OI.3 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have holistic belief systems and are spiritually and intellectually connected to the land, sea, sky and waterways. |