A glossary is a list of keywords and/or phrases in alphabetical order with their meaning. It is similar to a dictionary but these terms are chosen as they relate to the topic of Earth & Space. These words can also be used as keywords when you use the search engine. The words will link to more information and can be used to extend your knowledge.
When you know the meaning of keywords, it will give you a better understanding of the topic. This is the defining step of the Information Search Process.
Astronomy: The study of planets, stars, and other objects in outer space.
Constellation: A group of stars we can see from Earth that forms a pattern. There are different shapes like animals, objects, or people.
Copernicus: A Polish astronomer who came up with the theory that Earth and the other planets moved around the sun.
CSRIO: The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) does scientific research for the government in Australia.
Galileo: An Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first person to use a telescope to study the stars.
Milky Way: A galaxy of a massive collection of stars, dust, and clouds of gas.
Orbit: This is the path that an object takes in space when it goes around a star, a planet, or a moon.
Solar system: The system with the sun and all that travels around the sun.