LGBTIQ in public libraries

Libraries as venues for LGBTIQ youth this article has drawn my attention to the lack of visibility our library has to support the LGBTIQ community in our local area. Public libraries are a place where people are safe, a place where you are welcomed and can gather with other LGBTIQ people and know you are not alone is a positive difference in young people’s lives (Day, 2013, p. 49). As a public library in a rural area, with a high youth suicide rate, the library would make an ideal venue for supporting and welcoming the LGBTIQ young people. This article raises awareness and provides examples of how the library can ensure LGBTIQ youth access information. Partnerships with the local groups working in the community such as Baylin’s Gift are committed to educating young people with depression, gender identification and suicide awareness. Although the library does support the programs by displaying event posters, I think more can be done. Read Baylin’s story just one of many young people who have committed suicide in our local area.

Individual librarians can make a difference in LGBTIQ library users without much cost, by labelling a rainbow on the spine of materials to increase visibility (Day, 2013, p. 47). We do have red labelling on our Aboriginal Collection for easy identification of items. The library website could have links to sites such as Twenty 10 gay and lesbian counselling service of NSW, this site has a wealth of resources. I had not heard of this organisation, and I have attended youth suicide and mental health workshops in the area conducted by local organisations and schools. There must be regular communication with social services, welfare, Police Citizens Youth Clubs, and youth services groups to be aware of new trends, developing social problems that will help reach young adults who do not normally visit the library (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2020, p. 7).

There may be times when selecting the right pronoun when addressing LGBTIQ becomes embarrassing for staff. Selecting pronouns to align with a person’s identity demonstrates a commitment to welcoming the LGBTIQ as some language can be hurtful (Hixson-Vulpe, 2017, p. 4). At a meeting highlighting partnerships with libraries, Price in her video starts with introductions, including their gender pronouns.  For me, using the right pronoun is a significant way library staff show respect to LGBTIQ young people. Our library does have transgender borrowers, and I always use their name when interacting with LGBTIQ patrons. This does highlight the problem of restrooms in the library, as they are signed as men or women, I feel the library should have a unisex restroom for LGBTIQ patrons and fathers wishing to take a young female child to the restrooms. This can be overcome by having all-gender washrooms.

I have enriched my understanding of young LGBTIQ people. I am more aware of how the library can play an important role in the community and hopefully save some young people the anguish of finding their place in society. From researching this article and others, I have become aware of how the library can change to become a welcoming place for all people. Still, there needs more effort to be inclusive and sensitive to the needs of everyone.


Day, S. (2013). Libraries as LGBTIQ venues. Gay & Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, 9(1), 46-50.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. (2020). Guidelines for library services for young adults.

Censorship in Libraries

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), in their Guidelines for Library Services for Young Adults, provides a framework for libraries to follow. The first guideline states the right to free access by young adults to library resources and information sources without censorship (IFLA, 2020, p. 3). Covert censorship in libraries: a discussion paper provides some interesting points to consider when classifying and labelling materials in the library collection. Moody concludes that librarians have an important role in connecting people with the information they want and need (2005, p. 146).

Young adults are a diverse group with different maturity levels (IFLA, 2020, p. 4). From experience working on the circulation desk at the library, I have, on numerous occasions drawn attention to the content of books to parents and especially grandparents of graphic novels. Older people assume these are comic books and that all the content is appropriate for their children around the age of twelve, as they transition to the Teen Fiction collection. Our library classifies the graphic novel collection as Junior or Teen and does not have any labelling or warning on the item (Moody, 2005, p.145). Here is a blog on the ratings of graphic novels which may help borrowers, but it is only a guideline as children mature at different levels (jordanriser, 2015).

Once I draw their attention to the content showing explicit violence, which may be appropriate for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old, it is definitely something a twelve-year-old does not need to visualise. I suppose I am censoring this item, but I feel the borrower should know what their child is reading as most are unaware of the content. I have also been subject to censoring books when the mobile library visits a Christian school they have requested that Goosebump books are not to be borrowed. Although I did not remove these books from the shelf, I did inform children that these books may be borrowed from the town library. When my manager did point out this was censorship, I pointed out I was a guest, and because I was a guest, I would abide by their wishes. Subsequently, I am guilty of censorship.

I understand the issues of censorship for libraries but there are times when the classification of whether an item is in the Junior or Teen collection can be blurred as children’s maturity is developed at different stages, not with age. Here is a list of banned titles from the National Archives of Australia’s blog, I have read quite a few, how many have you read?


International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. (2020). Guidelines for library services for young adults.

Jordanriser. (2015).More on the rating system of graphic novels.

Moody, K.  (2005) Covert censorship in libraries: a discussion paper. The Australian Library Journal, 54(2), 138-147. DOI: 10.1080/00049670.2005.10721741

Nintendo Switch – Gaming in libraries.

I recently experienced the  Nintendo Switch ‘Just Dance 2020’ game and found it rewarding, it was fun and the physical exercise is an added bonus. Nintendo Switch and other games would be an added attraction to encourage young people to visit the library, as we have a high proportion of the community in a low socioeconomic group, providing games give them the opportunity to engage with their peers and have access to technology.  Public libraries play a central part in shaping the participants and parameters of the public sphere (Williamson, 2020,  p. 545). This game allows up to six players and besides having a great time it also provides exercise while interacting with others. Gaming would also provide an opportunity to work in partnership with other groups and organisations, who service young adults, for assistance with the activities (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, (IFLA), 2020, p. 3). An example would be inviting a health organisation to speak about the importance of diet and exercise or Headspace an organisation that promotes how healthy habits can improve your mental health.

I have improved my understanding that libraries assist young people in achieving a successful transition from childhood to adulthood giving access to resources in an environment that meets their needs for emotional and social development (IFLA, 2020, p. 3).

Nintendo Switch can be used as a handheld or a TV-based console and the detachable ‘Joy-Con’ controllers give motion control similar to Wii’s and many of the multiplayer titles work well in libraries. There are two options for the Switch the  ‘Joy-Con’ controllers come in a variety of colour combos to add style to your Nintendo Switch or the more typical gaming option the Pro-controller (Hoenke, 2018).


Gaming is an important part of growing up and to keep up with technology libraries should include games in their programs (Werner, 2013).  They may start as a simple card game such as ‘Snap’ and progress to more complicated games and then online. The Nintendo Switch can be a great asset to the library as children interact with others of similar ages in the community.  Justin the librarian provides a list of games available that work well with libraries and recommends there should be a Nintendo Switch available at all times for patrons use. He also provides a list of games on his site. The games should be available to borrow as well.  The City of Sydney Library also has consoles available for borrowing.

Gaming attracts youth to the library (Macchion & Savic, 2011, p. 19) so including Nintendo Switch and other games to the library, young people will increase their participation and the library provides an exciting environment. While the young people are in the library staff can encourage them to become involved with other library resources and services (Nicholson, 2013, p. 352). I have learned from Williamson (2020, p. 552) and IFLA’s Guidelines (2020, p. 3) the importance of creating an area just for young adults that reflects their lifestyle and does not disrupt other patrons of the library. Our library has recently advertised for a children’s librarian and hopefully, this new staff member will have the skills and knowledge to provide all engagement with young people, not just the acquisition of resources. The library must also provide youth development giving the young adults an opportunity to participate in implementing the programs and start a youth volunteer program (IFLA, 2020, p. 3). Providing the opportunity to select and display materials gives positives benefits in promoting library services and resources to increase library use (IFLA, 2p020, p.  4). Our library has received funding from Public Libraries of NSW  to refurbish the library including new technology, with youth space and study pods and creating an inviting outdoor reading and activity space. On recent outreach events and online, community feedback has started the planning process.


Hoenke, K. (2018). Nintendo Switch a guide for public libraries.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. (2020). Guidelines for library services for young adults.

Macchion, F., & Savic, N. (2011). Youth: An exchange of ideas for public libraries. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, 24(1), 17-22.

Nicholson, S. (2013). Playing in the past: A history of games, toys, and puzzles in North American libraries.  The Library Quarterly, 83(4), 341-361.

Werner, K. (2013). Bringing them in: Developing a gaming program for the library. Library Trends, 61(4), 790-801.


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