This article is a review of ‘Learning to belong: Ordinary pedagogies of civic belonging in a multicultural public library’ by Rebecca Williamson in Journal of Intercultural Studies.
This article refers to the Campsie Public library in suburban Sydney. Having read this article I have a better understanding of how library spaces can be shared with a mixture of cultures, age and language groups. Over the years, libraries have evolved from bookkeepers to knowledge portals, community hubs and safe places for all community members. Libraries are the most heavily used public buildings in Australia, offering babies, children and young people programs, but they do not attract many teenagers (Bundy, 2007, p. 173). The library provides a communal, accessible space where people can pursue their agendas which may or may not refer to their ethnocultural identity (Williamson, 2020, p. 543).
Accommodating diverse groups in libraries that do not have separate areas for different groups especially children and young people, can be a problem. For libraries with limited space, the noise level of children and young people can be annoying to other patrons (Williamson, 2020, p. 553). I have experienced the noise level problem in our library when young people are attending an activity the older people complain about the noise level. To overcome this problem staff warn our regular older patrons about an upcoming event, they are then happy to change the time of their library visit. The library must accommodate all age groups and the spatial and material cues that affect the library experience (Williamson, 2020, p. 546). Children and young people have different needs, the children’s area needs to be bright and allow young children to play, whereas the young adult area requires quiet study areas and some comfortable seating to ‘hang out’ (Williamson, 2020, p. 549).
Children engaging with libraries from a young age are more likely to engage with society as adults, and a welcoming public library is a significant investment to achieve this (Bundy, 2007, p. 175). Baby bounce and storytime are regular library events and are well attended by younger children and their parents or carers. The parents or carers see this activity as a fun and engaging activity, and they lead the program. In contrast, the older age group 12-18, the choice is usually theirs. To encourage young people to the library the negative images of libraries being dull, boring and unapproachable staff need to change to a welcoming library and a chance to be involved with the shaping of the library services (Bundy, 2007, p. 174). Creating a young teen area and organising young friends of the library group would encourage young people to engage with staff and create library programs.
As a public institution, public libraries must balance managing all age groups and accommodate their needs in a shared space (Williamson, 2020, p. 555). Most libraries run regular children’s programs for such as baby bounce, children’s storytime or holiday activities regularly, but the library does not provide programs catering for young adults as often. The library caters for all users in the community and the diverse range age, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. This article stated that ‘teenagers tend to mix from different cultures’ (Williamson, 2020, p. 554), and the library is the opportunity to contact and engage with people from different social and ethnic backgrounds. The library must be a place where diverse groups of all ages feel welcomed and their values respected.
Bundy, A. (2007). Looking ever forward: Australia’s public libraries serving children and young people [online]. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services. 20(4) 173-182.
Williamson, R. (2020). Learning to belong: Ordinary pedagogies of civic belonging in a multicultural public library. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41(5), 543-558. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2020.1806801
Hello Ruth, thanks for your sharing with your reflection and I am agreed with you that the library doesn’t have enough programs for the young adults. I found that my local library is the same! I can see most of the time the young adults are studying at the library. Especially at the end of the school term. By the way, I would like to know if your library provides any resources or services for the young adults?
Hi Jennifer,
At the moment our library does not have young adult’s programs running, other than the Summer Reading Club, which is not well supported from the twelve and over age group. We have received a grant from Public Libraries of NSW funding to refurbish the Kempsey branch including a new technology inspired youth space with study pods, redesigning the children’s area, improving the meeting room and overhauling the disused courtyard area into an inviting outdoor reading and activity space (Kempsey Shire Council, 2020). With the use of volunteers and partnerships with youth agencies we are hoping to start a homework study centre one day a week from 4 pm-6 pm.
Kempsey Shire Council. (2020). Kempsey’s libraries take a first step into the future.
Hi Ruth
Great topic. It’s interesting how libraries are supposed to cater for such a diverse range of groups, both in terms of social and cultural diversity, and in the diversity of age range. Libraries are asked to meet the very differing needs of these diverse groups in the one physical space or building, and in the case of local/regional public libraries it is often in a building that wasn’t initially purpose built as a library. Going slightly off-topic, but in a directly related way, I guess this is why library architecture is such a fascinating topic and why newly purpose-built libraries around the world (particularly at a Federal or State level) are so innovative.
Hi Phil,
New libraries, especially those in the cities, have amazing spaces in their libraries. I visited the Kaitaia Library on a recent visit and loved the layout.
The interior of the library reflects the history, culture and unique geography of the north. The ceiling above the circulation desk and cafe represents the sand dunes of the Aupouri Peninsula while functionally absorbing extraneous sound. The kauri forests of the north are depicted in a huge two story mural and in the man-made tree (with bark moulded from an authentic kauri) in the children’s area of the library.
The library was opened in February 2012.
) Hello Ruth,
I posted a comment to your Blog by my mobile this morning. But I cannot find it at here. So, I have to re-post my comment to your Blog again. I am very sorry to bother you.
My comment is:
Thank you for your sharing your views of diversity. I am agreed with your point. As in my local library, it is also has very limited program that provided for the young adults. But I always see the young adults studied in the library with their friends. Especially at the end of the school term. I remembered Derr & Rhodes (2010, p.90) states that if the librarian wants to interact with the young adults, they could use the technology science to attract them. Actually, in my local library website there are many online resources offered to the young adults. For example, in the E-library section, there has eBook, eMusic, and eMagazines etc… May I ask you did you find any resource or services that provided to young adults in your library? Thanks.
Deer, D.& Rhodes, A. (2010). The public library as urban youth space: Redefining public libraries through services and space for young people for an uber experience. Australian Public Libraries and Information Services, 23(3).90-97. https://THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AS ÜRBAN YOUTH SPACE: REDEFINING PUBLIC LIBRARIES THROUG…: EBSCOhost (
Hornsby Shire Library. (2020). eLibaray, http://
Hi Yuhua,
We do have online resources for younger children but nothing for young adults, it is hidden amongst our e-resources. We do have a booklet that we hand out to new borrowers and this gives a full detail of our databases and their purpose, I also hand this out to students who I have helped with their study materials.
I provide an outreach service in a small van to schools in the local area and found that unless you speak to students and show them what is available and how it may help their study, they do not find our e-resources by themselves. Attending community engagement days and chatting raises awareness of what is available.
Hopefully, this will all change with the refurbishment, of a recent grant, and young people will have their own designated area and more technology. Study pods will also be added and this will allow for one student or a group to discuss their subject in privacy.