The role of the teacher librarian in schools

I have always found the Library to be a special place, one that was mysterious, intriguing and unique. As a primary school student I had a very friendly teacher librarian who would share her enthusiasm for literacy and books with us. I would look forward to our regular lessons in the library and would soak up her enthusiasm. Following this, as an older student I found the library a very useful place, one that would quench my thirst for knowledge and satisfy my love of reading. As a member of the teaching profession the Library yet again became a place that I would turn to for knowledge and information.


I see a well functioning library as the centre or heart of the school, and a place that can bring the entire school community together for many different reasons. For some the library is a haven that offers them solace and comfort as they enjoy its many aspects. For others the library is simply an avenue for them to enhance their knowledge and also gives them access to the world through its many resources.


For a library to be at the heart of the school and operate as successfully as it should it requires a team of professionals who have a passion for literacy, learning, technology and knowledge. ‘Teacher librarians support and implement the vision of their school communities through advocating and building effective library and information services and programs that contribute to the development of lifelong learners.’ (ASLA, 2019, para 3)


Promoting literacy and enhancing an individual’s knowledge and technological aptitude is a responsibility of all members of the teaching profession. However, a teacher librarian is in an especially privileged position to be able to achieve this. A teacher librarian has a unique role within the school community as they are able to oversee and facilitate how the whole school works towards improving student learning. A teacher librarian should not only support students within the school community but also support teachers in their teaching of students. There should be regular dialogue between the teacher librarian and the teaching staff regarding resources available and new developments in learning, technology and literacy. It is important that the teacher librarian is considered a significantly valuable  school resource for everybody to access.


Teacher librarians need to be at the forefront of change within the school community. They also need to be the key promoters of life long learning and help to develop student skills for life long learning. Their knowledge of the curriculum and pedagogy in association with their additional teacher librarian skills make them an extremely useful asset that is not to be undervalued. (ASLA, 2019, paras 2- 3)


There is definitely a vital role played by a teacher librarian within the educational sphere. An effective teacher librarian makes knowledge, literacy, technology and student learning a priority and understands the significant role that the library and its staff play in the success of a school.



Australian School Library Association (2019) What is a teacher librarian? Retrieved from

One thought on “The role of the teacher librarian in schools

  1. Thank you for your reflection. I do feel that you have covered some critically important areas, in particular the functioning, purpose, and vision of the school library and teacher librarian. At the end of the day, you as TL can be a huge influence on the school community and as you say, the success of the school. Research already tells us that – but it takes TLs with quality professional training to make this possible. Welcome to study!

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