An introduction to Digital Media

Hi everyone this is my first post on how I think you can learn about digital media, lets start with what digital media is. digital media is a broad term that covers a range of jobs, products, companies and industries. It also covers a range of ways both contemporary and traditional to format the information you are seeing, formats such as; text, video, voice recording, pictures and many more ways.

Another thing digital media allows us to do is create a digital identity. Now a digital identity is an identity you create on a form of media that is digital, by this day almost everyone will have created a digital identity somehow, either by social media, uploaded books or thoughts from the past or a created website. The great thing about a digital identity is it can narrow down a certain type of identity you want (professional, playful, friendly or inclusive) as it is online and controlled by you, you determine what is seen. In person your identity is usually broad and has many factors, as it is the real you. Digital identities allow us to show a specific side of ourselves by removing all of us from the equation and only uploaded some of us.

An ideology that comes with digital media is the newness ideology with is described in one way as (a frequently predominant approach in media studies that tends to see every new means of communication as innovative and a breakthrough as compared to anything that came before it.) (Balbi. G, 2018). This ideology has some flaws as the new is not always better than the old in the traditional sense of it works perfectly better. Take smartphones they are better and more advanced than a landline or old mobile phone, but they are also a lot more complicated to use, leaving most of the consumers not fully understanding what they have bought or why they bought it when they are only going to use 20% of the phones functions if that. Where in oppose the old landlines and old mobile phones are simple and easy to use, but are unable to connect us to each other as much as a smartphone. Neither of these technologies are better than the other, they both have an appeal to a certain demographic of people depending on their goals for the use of their phone.


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