“Digital access and fluency supports new learning modes……Connected learning!” Lindsay (2014)
The digital environment is affording us new and developing connecting technologies that allow learners to access whatever content they want, when they want it and from whomever they choose (Richardson, 2008). Problem solving, creating and sharing ideas, thoughts and opinions with others has given rise to joint knowledge construction. Mass access to collaborative problem solving, critical thought, and global communication has resulted in power shifts dissolving traditional power structures or “flattens the world” (Friedman, 2007; Pink, 2005, as cited in Arteaga, 2012, p. 3). A flattened classroom (Lindsay & Davis, 2012, p. 5) shifts the traditional educator role to facilitator and guide (Dede, 2008; Ertmer, 2008; Rajasingham, 2011, as cited in Arteaga, 2012, p. 3).
As educators our roles are being redefined “as connectors first and content experts second” (Richardson, 2008). The school environment needs to provide rich, powerful learning opportunities where learning networks flourish thus offering students a space to connect, collaborate and create on a local and global scale through the provision of online tools.
The learning and design principles of the Connected Learning framework linked together with the use of technology, provide a learning environment that is inclusive, active, challenging, and interconnected to encourage engagement and self-expression, accessibility, social support, and civic engagement (Connected Learning Alliance, n.d. as cited in Porath & Hagerman, 2021). This inclusion of technology provides learners with new ways to conduct and present learning, be openly networked with peers and experts, and make an impact beyond the classroom.
Harnessing social media and Web 2.0 tools to provide networking and collaborative learning in the school space is a consideration for school leaders and educators.
video 1
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video 2 Quick guide to popular social media sites and apps from eSafety Office on Vimeo.
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