The digital learning environment (DLE) includes tools, software, applications, websites and platforms that are used to support educator instruction, collaboration, communication and learning. The DLE affords many functions and features to tailor the learning environment to the needs of the educators. It may include curation tools, social media networks, learning management systems, filtering and organisation structures. Educators as learners create their DLE by accessing learning through research, collaboration, remixing content to create new knowledge to develop and share using Web 2.0. Blogs, wikis and social media programs are mediums for learning exchange, these tools are included in one’s DLE (Richardson, 2008).
When educators are engaging in the DLE, the priority is to achieve meaningful and impactful learning experiences. Educators need to create a knowledge-centred environment that enables them as learners and teachers to gain knowledge through creation, communication and collaboration. Educators’ learning is positively impacted through feedback and reflection, the DLE must maintain an assessment-centred approach that fosters a feedback cycle from administrators, educators and students. Finally, the DLE is a community-centred approach to learning in the social context of the educators learning environment and needs. Conditions for transformational learning experiences can occur within one’s DLE.
All school boards within Ontario have access to Ontario’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), a learning management system that can be tailored to meet the needs of educators and students. The VLE is a web-based platform that provides educators with the opportunity to create their own digital portfolio, participate in professional development opportunities facilitated through the Ministry of Education, collaborate with colleagues, post assignments and communicates with students and parents.
An educator’s DLE includes social media platforms where educators can learn from one another, collaborate, enhancing pedagogical practices. Learning is social, the constructivist learning theory suggests that learning is improved through engagement with others, exploration and choice. Educators as students will take their learning where their interest lies, it may be an inquiry, a passion or a hobby. Using digital tools for collaboration and communication educators can construct learning together in a digital space (Veletsianos, 2016). Tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube are popular spaces and tools for sharing and learning.