July 14

Preparing for Workplace Learning

Reflect on what your aims for the subject are. Key to this is reflecting on what the learning outcomes for the subject are, and where you are positioned now.

I feel well-positioned at the beginning of ETL507 Professional Experience and Portfolio. My main aims for the subject would be to broaden my understanding of a school library’s position in the wider information community, and to practice evaluating other libraries and information agencies. I hope there are lots of chances to see how our learning throughout the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) degree can be applied in practice.

Here are the subject learning outcomes, and reflections on my current position, for ETL507:

Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the wider library/information community of which school libraries are a part.

My understanding of the wider library/information community is minimal. I have experience volunteering and working in two different primary school libraries, but this experience is very narrow. Understanding the position of my current workplace in the wider community is important, because I have already had to interact with public libraries and other school libraries in the area.

Have developed an understanding of common professional goals and practices.

Working as a professional, and developing and working towards goals, is something I am accustomed to as I have worked as a teacher.

Be able to evaluate the role and functionality of a library or information agency.

I see this as an important learning outcome because it is something we have to do regularly. Understanding the role of my own library, and how it should function to cater for my school community, is critical. So, evaluating the role and functionality of another library or information agency will serve as useful practice for my current workplace, and any future workplaces, should I decide to move on.

Be able to apply theory to practice in a reflective manner.

After working through six subjects prior to this, ETL507 will provide opportunities to apply what I have learnt. I have already started to do this as part of my current position in a school library.

Be able to engage in dialogue with fellow information professionals.

I believe I am a good communicator. This subject will provide good opportunities for networking and learning from professionals with useful experiences.

Have a greater understanding of professional learning and reflective practice.

Again, this is something I am accustomed to having worked as a teacher. We are expected to undertake a minimum of sixty hours of professional learning every three years, and reflection is part of the job.

Have extended expertise in developing a reflective portfolio.

This is also something I have done before as part of my teaching degree. It will be good to revisit the ‘professional portfolio’.


July 8

One Session to Go

As always, I’m getting a head start. Study doesn’t start officially until next Monday, but I like to stay one week ahead if I can, and I’m on holidays. It’s shaping up to be another hectic study session, so I need to strap in and get into it.

This session I am enrolled in ETL501 The Dynamic Information Environment and ETL507 Professional Experience and Portfolio. I am somewhat curious about both topics. ETL501 looks to be of particular interest to me, as it involves a deeper look at virtual and physical library spaces. And ETL507 … well, I have to do my placement at some stage. Time to get it out the way!

Hopefully I can continue my incredible run of results – Distinction or higher. I would feel very proud to achieve this in a Masters Degree.

One session to go!