What is Information?

This section certainly got me thinking about the question posed – what is information? As teachers we communicate information to our students all day but I don’t think I have ever stopped to think of the complexity of the concept of ‘information’ before now.

As I processed the semantics of the ‘information’ in this section I could relate to the data-knowledge continuum. Whilst reading all the definitions of information my mind was in chaos as began to process the data, the data then became organised (somewhat!) so that it started to convey meaning and as I began to understand what I was reading it became knowledge. I am now hoping through ‘doing’ my reflective post in this forum that I may be closer to the level of wisdom! The process of understanding for me was on the relevance. Is what I am reading relevant to this subject and ultimately to my future role as a Teacher Librarian.

It was also interesting to reflect on information as a commodity and its impact on the economy as a traded good to be bought and sold. We are all consumers in our rapidly changing, information rich society. It highlighted to me the important role we have to help our students navigate this information overload among the constant advances to technology. Recognising what information is authentic is a struggle even for adults. What can we do to understand the complexities of ‘free’ information. Are there hidden agendas to the information being presented? Is the information biased?

The inherent properties of information highlighted how easily information can be both beneficial and detrimental to those understanding it. In our fast moving digital environment information can quickly be transferred to its audience but as it’s inconsumable, untransferable, indivisible and accumulative we need to share and process with caution.

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