Information Society

I think the term ‘Information Society’ is determined by several factors as stated by Frank Webster (2002, p.8). The first being technology. Today technology is more accessible and affordable for all ages. Children are given access to technological devices from a very young age, some before they can even talk. The older generation are also becoming more digitally literate. Technnology has changed the way our society connects and recieves information. It presents easy access , one to many interactive devices, social and relationship connections through media platforms such as Facebook, instant messaging, talk and face to face – Facetime and interactive gaming such as Fortnite.

As humans we are sociable and need to interact. Technology is now a common way in which we connect with others locally and world wide. It leads us to question though are we becoming so consumed, in out time poor lives, to only having time to make connections with others virtually. Are these ways of delivering and processing information authentic?

With this in mind I reflected on whom are the drivers of the change to a ‘Information Society’. Are we as intelligent information seekers demanding new ways of receiving and delivering information. Are we wanting to be stimulated in innovative and exciting ways by technology. Is it consumer driven or we just trying to keep up with the amount of information? Information that we seek and other information that embedded AI algorisms influence us to access.

Another factor considered by Frank Webster (2002, p.8) is economic. I think libraries are engaged in distributing information and cultural products but not producing them. They manage and distribute information as well as provide the means to transmit information, data or communications and are not just data processors. Creating a collection of resources for the library may involve some data processing but it is not the only role of the library.

Another factor that Frank Webster (2002, p8.) states is occupational. I reflected that in todays society you can be successful without being a qualified professional. The opportunities to network, promote and communicate information from one-to-many means individuals can create products, deliver services or influence others through social media platforms. As an Information Society consumers are already in the door of a business, celebrity or local expert by owning a device.  Our Information Society  presents information to us through technology that is fast, easy, global and robust. The information is convergent (everything is on one device). Anyone can publish a website and communicate information of the web. Embedded AI mean that large business’ can attract more customers, by tracking the information you seek. This part of the Information Society is what I find the most scary. I don’t want, as a user, to have my privacy and power taken away. I want to be able to seek my own information and not have that choice taken away from me.  I think this is also true for our students.

Information Networks have been around for a long time. Humans are social beings and communicate as information givers and receivers. The infrastructure of how the information flows to us has changed. It is now asynchronous meaning we can give and receive multiple information at one time and don’t need to finish processing the current information before moving on. As Teacher librarians we need to ensure our learners seeking information don’t lose meaning, as they filter information. We want them to take knowledge from the information. How can we effectively teach the skills to seek authentic information. What should the criteria be?

The advancements in technology have changed the infrastructure of Information to form what is now called our Information Society. In the past information was delivered in a slower more deliberate manner. Newspaper, magazine, books, tapes, CD, video, letter, fax, phone call and telegram (if it was urgent) are examples. The remote and physical nature of these delivery forms is what strikes me as being so different. The information received was not instant. It took a little more effort than putting a few words into a Google search engine to seek the information but it was still as effective. We were still informed.

Teacher Librarians need to have an understanding of the Information Landscape to ensure that their library collections include a broad range of information networks. First at a local level and then a societal level. This will enable students and teachers to access authentic information in our ever changing Information Society.

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