Responsibility for Research Selection


  • Discuss how the teacher librarian’s expertise and role is different from that required by all teachers.
  • Teacher librarians have access to up to date resources in print and digital formats that connect to a local, global and physical world of learning.

    TL can assist kids become responsible digital citizens, assist with research skills, completing homework and assignment tasks, reading for pleasure (love of books) and privacy settings on social media accounts

    • Share ideas on how teacher librarians might effectively collaborate with the school community in the selection of resources in a school with which you are familiar.
    • Send out a survey to teachers, heads of stages about the resources they require to meet learning and teaching needs of the curriculum.

      Meet with heads of stage to collaborate on what resources are required, needs of students and discuss whether resources the library have are in need of review or to be disposed of.

      • Consider also how to engage your learners in selection of resources for their school library.
      • Student feedback box or form at the end of a unit about what resources they used/didn’t use and what they think they could use next time.

        Suggestion box in the library.

        • Who should have the final say on what is included? Why?
        • Teachers because they know the curriculum, student needs and what from experience is effective.


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