Module 1 – Collaboration

After reading Module 1 I have come to the viewpoint that collaboration when resourcing the curriculum should be the goal of every library. The management and responsibilities of resourcing are critical to the success of the collection. I was interested to read that schools as part of collection development could give consideration to student and staff surveys about what they want in the collection. I have never known of such a survey or approach at my school to staff and students nor have I ever completed a survey. However, I know that if teaching staff have a resource that they would like the school to purchase or obtain it will be considered and in most cases granted. We are very fortunate being a Grammar school to have a budget that can accommodate such requests. This extends to our ICT department who will source apps or other e-resources at the request of teachers or year groups. It is good to reflect that our school is already working collaboratively across the school to resource a collection that is needs based.

Perhaps the only area that could be reviewed is the student voice. I am not sure if this is already being done in our high school and will ask our librarians.

I think as Teacher Librarians it would be important to not assume that an impressive e-resource or book collection that sounds and looks amazing is exactly what the school wants or needs. Finding out the needs of the school are the important first step. As stated in Module 1 is is important to ask the question, what are the creative, cultural, literary, recreational and knowledge needs of the school?


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