A look at Griffith University’s Tech Ecosystem

There is a terrific resource developed by Griffith University called the Tech Ecosystem ( (2018).
The site is presented in the form of an interactive and interconnected mind-map where a user can click on links and then gain access to specific information related to learning and teaching technologies.
For example, if you go to the map and then clink on the node entitled “course design” it takes you to an extensive range of technologies compatible with this topic. Suggestions that appear which can be applied for the purpose of academic course design are technologies such as: Black Board, LinkedIn, Padlet, Evernote, Powtoon among many, many others. Clicking on the sub-links will give you access to information about each of these technologies, how to access them, and further links to their support services.
Although I am familiar with some of these resources, I have been inspired to further investigate and see how they can be integrated into my current TESOL practice. In particular, LinkedIn seems to have added many more features since its inception as a professional networking device and has clearly made strides in regards to being used as a teaching and learning tool.
Thank you Griffith University and their Learning Futures team for this treasure trove of information and inspiration!!!
(2018). Tech Ecosystem. Retrieved from
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