Craig's TESOL Blog

Language Learning and Teaching


5 L&T Technology Picks for the TESOL Industry

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Pimsleur Language Learning Pimsleur is a fantastic language learning program based on the Audio Lingual Method. It also includes Graduated Interval Recall methodology. Many non-native speaker teachers can teach grammar and structure of language well but are reluctant to teach speaking and pronunciation. They can incorporate these 30 minute lessons into their curriculum and/or set as home work. The program also includes reading practice backed by native speaker pronunciation. Try a free lesson! 
BBC Learning English BBC Learning English is a fantastic free resource that TESOL teachers can use to cover all macro skills. It has audio files, test and grammar practice, worksheets, and segments called 6 minute English that uses current affairs and other interesting topics for listening practice with accompanying grammar explanations and worksheets with answers. For a sneak peak why not try Women on Motorbikes!:
KAHOOT!  Kahoot! Is a FREE Interactive gaming quiz that is taking ESL classes by storm. Can be used for teacher-student engagement, for previews and reviews of lessons and concepts as well as just for a bit of fun! You can build your own quizzes or simply access some of the public ones on offer. Why not try out your ESL Advanced Grammar in this public ‘Kahoot!’ quiz!
TRACKTest One of the more tedious events of a language teacher with rolling intakes is the level-testing aspect of teaching. TRACKTest can provide a level test result to your account. It doesn’t waste the test candidate’s time with task items that are irrelevant and automatically adjusts to a candidate’s English level based on questions as they are answered correctly (test get’s harder) or incorrectly (test gets easier). Levels tests are free but your organisation can also register for more thorough level testing as either a course placement device and/or an end of level assessment based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Test your level here!


Duolingo Works! Teachers can encourage all in their classes to download the app and practice English on their phones and tablets. Teachers can set learning goals. The app assists with vocabulary development and has native speaker pronunciation for listening practice.



Common European Framework of Reference (2018), Retrieved from

Photo by from Pexels


Curriculum Design Using Web-based Resources for TESOL learning

Over the years I find beginner TESOL teachers are often stuck when asked to prepare or present a series of classes for beginner students. Generally an ELICOS college or a major language school has set and prescribed texts/course books and a rigorous Curriculum that is audited and reviewed. However, a large segment of the TESOL market includes teaching in under resourced market segments. These might be situations like: Teaching English overseas (EFL) with low budgets; Providing private one-on-one/small group classes; or Teaching in Community Support/Voluntary contexts etc.

Below is a range of Websites and Online Resources that can be used by a TESOL teacher to beef-up a curriculum and/or provide some ideas to teach more effectively. Most are free, some require a small subscription fee.


ACADEMIC – Griffith University – English HELP has collated a large database of Academic English sites from a range of providers:

ALL SKILLS- Breaking News English – Mini Lessons –

ALL SKILLS- Oxford Online – Free Lessons –

AUSTRALIAN SLANG – Aussie English Site

CHINESE– Low Level Mandarin Speakers Audio-Lingual –

GRAMMAR– Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Machine

GRAMMAR– Scott’s English – TOEIC activites


LISTENING – BBC – 6 minute English

LISTENING– BBC – English for Work

LISTENING – Spelling/Listening Activity –

LISTENING –  Short 1-minute listening and quizzes –

MIND MAPPING – Note Taking App –

READING – News Dictation and Lesson  –

READING– Tiny Texts –

READING – Level-Specific-Reading –

SPEAKING – English Club

SPEAKING – Pronunciation Lessons (British English) –

SPEAKING– Rachel’s English

TEST – Oxford Online – Level Test

WRITING – Ultimate Spell-checker!


There are literally thousands more free sites out there for TESOL teachers – Hopefully these will get you started!



Cover Image by Pexels. Retrieved from

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