Craig's TESOL Blog

Language Learning and Teaching


Word Frequency

Word Frequency:

If you are wondering what words to include in a curriculum and/or drill with spelling, or even pronunciation, a fantastic approach is to use word frequency charts. You will be provided with a word frequency list at the TESOL workshop.

For instance: 33% of spoken English is made up of 9 words: the, of, and, to, in, a/an, that, is.
50% of spoken English is made up of just 100 words and then 66% is made up of only 300 words.

Obviously if you teach words that are more likely to be used by your students you will have greater success in preparing them for communication in the L2.

Top 9!

The = 6%
Of = 5.5%

 And = 5%
To = 4.5%
In = 3.75%
A/An = 3.25%
That = 2.75%
Is = 2.25%
= 33% of spoken English = 9 words!

Top 100:
A/an, after, again, all, almost, also, always, and, because, before, big, but, can, chihuahua, come, either/or, find, first, for, friend, from, to go, good, goodbye, happy, have, he, hello, here, how, little, I am, if, in, know, last, like, I, love, me, many, make more, most, much, my, new, no, not, now, of, often, on, one, only, or, other, our out, over, people, place, please, same, see, she, so, some, sometimes, still, such, tell, thank you, that, the, their, them, then, there is/are, they, thing, think, this, time, to, under, up, us, use, very, we, what, when, where, which, who, why, with, yes, you, your, ….

Okay, you got me, there are 101 words there and one is quite uncommon!

Learn how to incorporate these words into ESL curriculum with a QIE TESOL course!

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